The First Adventure

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It was nighttime. Beldia requested that Megumin accompany him, and she complied as she had no other option. His guards followed them as they made their way towards the magnificent castle. The castle is in bad condition. It was clear that the explosions that she had been casting on it had done a lot of damage. She wished that her explosion had killed them all. When they entered the castle, she was shocked to find that it was luxurious. The hallway was lit with crystal lamps. Beldia guided her to his bedroom. Upon reaching him, Beldia invited Megumin to his bedroom and dismissed his soldiers.

Megumin stood at the door

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Megumin stood at the door. She didn't enter his bedroom. She told him that she wanted him to release the curse from the darkness and free her. Beldia agreed to her even though he didn't want to. They both went to see Darkness, who had been locked up and tormented by Beldia for a week. When Megumin saw Darkness in such a sorry state, she burst into tears. Megumin asked Beldia to open the jail. Beldia refused to open the jail; instead, he removed the curse from Darkness.

Beldia "This should do fine."

Megumin "What do you mean? You promise to set her free."

Darkness wakes up...

Darkness "Megumin, why are you here?"

Megumin reached out her hands through the bar and touched Darkness's face.

Megumin "I came to save you."

Darkness was confused.

Beldia "You are no longer under my curse. Be happy; you won't die today."

Darkness looked at Megumin. "What is going on?"

A moment of silence.

Megumin's smile faded. She was standing still, looking down. Beldia very passionately placed his hands on her shoulder.

Beldia with a creepy "I kept my promise. Now it's your turn."

Darkness came to realize the situation.

Megumin with a helpless face "I am sorry, Darkness. I couldn't find another way to save you."

Darkness "No, no, Megumin, you can't do this."

Megumin with a small smile "I will be okay."

Darkness with a scared face "No, no, no. Don't do this. You bastard, what are you going to do with her?"

Beldia with a creepy smile"So eager to know, huh? Then hear this. We are going for a beautiful ride tonight, just the two of us."

The darkness was shocked and scared.

Megumin "I am going to be fine. More importantly, I can't let you suffer all by yourself. Let me share some of your pain."

Darkness "Beldia, I beg you. Please don't do this to her. You can do whatever you want with my body. She is still young."

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