The Winter Shogun

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After the incident with Beldia, Kazuma appreciated Megumin for standing up for her friend. However, he advised her not to take actions that might go out of her control. He suggested that she could rely on the party whenever she needed help. Kazuma reminded her that they were all in this together and that helping each other would never hurt. Kyouya reported to the guild that Beldia was defeated, and the people around them were overjoyed. The guild rewarded them and wished them luck on their future adventures.


It was winter. One fine morning,

Kyouya "Hello Kazuma, How are you doing?"

Kazuma "The winter is so cold here. It was quiet and chilly today too. I hope it will be over soon."

Kyouya "Actually, Kazuma I came to ask you something."

Kazuma "Cut those formalities, bro; come to the point."

Kyouya "Alright, here is the thing. I would like to borrow Megumin for some days. I am planning to take down some monsters near her village, so I thought it would be good to have a member who knew more about that area."

Kazuma "Oh, sure. There is no problem with me. But did you ask her?"

Megumin just came by and said, "I don't mind helping at all."

Kazuma "It seems you are right into it, Megumin? Alright, have a safe adventure. But make sure you don't cause any trouble for him."

Megumin "Yeah, sure..."

So Kyouya and his companions took Megumin on a new adventure. Meanwhile, Darkness decided to take a break from her usual schedule and went home.


Kazuma was left with nothing to do, so he looked for quests to undertake in the winter season. He stumbled upon one that required him to kill snow spirits. He borrowed some winter clothes from the guild and went to the snowy plains. Upon arriving at the snow plains, he was greeted by numerous round-shaped, cute-looking, and snow-colored monsters floating in the air. Despite feeling drawn to them, he found it challenging to kill such gentle creatures. As he was enjoying himself around them, a thick fog suddenly enveloped the entire plain, making it difficult to see anything. It was then that a mysterious samurai appeared, looking as if he were made of snow itself.

 It was then that a mysterious samurai appeared, looking as if he were made of snow itself

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Kazuma asked a mysterious guy to identify himself, but the guy didn't respond. Suspecting an attack, Kazuma pulled out his sword and prepared to fight. When Kazuma asked again, the stranger remained silent. He looked at Kazuma for some time and was observing him. That stranger thought that Kazuma was about to attack him and other spirits around them. Then he drew his sword out of the sheath and faced him. Both of them stared at each other for some time and rushed at each other to fight.

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