The Savior

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 It was already dark. The night has come. The masked mage was ordering the zombies to attack the people. She aimed to destroy the town and turn the whole population into zombies. While ordering around, she felt the presence of someone. She looked back to see Kazuma walking in her direction. Kazuma stood there at a distance of 10 meters from her. Kazuma and the masked mage stared at each other. Zombies growled at him and ran towards him.

Kazuma manifested his spirit abilities. His eyes grew dazzlingly white. Kazuma released his spirit power into his surroundings. Everything around Kazuma freezes as he releases his freeze magic into the air, except the mage.

Kazuma "You, behind the mask, are you Wiz?"

The mage said, "I am sorry. I am not the one you are looking for."

Kazuma "Them, what are you doing in a cemetery?"

The mage "It's none of your business."

Kazuma "I am sorry, but it is. You are the one who is turning these innocent people into zombies."

A moment of silence.

The mage "Yeah, you are right, so what will you do about it?"

Kazuma "I will have to stop you."

The mage "You will regret that."

Kazuma: "No, I won't."

The mage says, "Then try me."

The mage is pissed. The mage battled with Kazuma. She draws her knives and starts fighting Kazuma at close quarters. Kazuma showed off his sword skills. Kazuma wounded her many times. She is bleeding from her wounds. Kazuma tried to cut off her mask. But, to his surprise, his sword didn't cut through it. The mage understands that a close compact alone won't be enough to win against him. She experimented with earth, wind, lightning, and fire magic.

Kazuma canceled the fire beam with an ice beam. Every time, he constructs an ice rock to obstruct the lightning strikes and the wind blades. He transformed the ground into sheets of ice, which helped him slide over it easily. Kazuma made the atmosphere seem like mist. His opponent's vision becomes obscured. Kazuma sneaks up on her while hiding in the mist and cuts open her hips. She suffered a severe hip injury. The mage dispelled the cloud surrounding her using wind magic. The next moment, Kazuma stole her weapon using the steal ability.

She called forth a spear. They engaged in close combat for some time. This time, Kazuma was wounded. Kazuma drew himself into defense mode while maintaining his composure. Then Kazuma used stealth again. But this time, he couldn't steal her spear. Instead of that, he stole something else. Kazuma and the mage pulled away from each other. Kazuma carefully opened his palm to see a white panty.

The mage, with an embarrassed voice, screamed.

Kazuma "Oh, I am sorry. You can take it back."

The mage "You pervert, scumbag, I am not going to let you get away with this one."

She immediately threw a cursed, dark beam at Kazuma. Kazuma was very lucky to evade it. The dark beam is a curse carrier that turns humans into zombies. Kazuma decided not to get caught up in that dark beam. She continued to shoot those dark beams wherever Kazuma ran. Kazuma used his lurking skills to hide behind a grave. The mage quickly came over to catch him by his guard. But she was surprised to see that Kazuma was not there. She looked around. There were so many graves. She assumed that he must be hiding behind one of those graves.

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