The Realization

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 Kazuma carried Megumin to an alley. He put her down and untied her.

Kazuma "You are free to go now."

Megumin was surprised. "Uh..."

Kazuma turned around and was about to go.

Megumin "Aren't you about to do something to me?"

Kazuma "I could have done that long ago if I wanted to. Now, I am not interested."

Kazuma was about to leave.

Megumin "Why did you save me now?"

Kazuma "Because I wanted to."

Megumin "Explain??"

Kazuma "I'm not going to explain anything to you."

Megumin: "Why???"

Kazuma "Because you don't understand how I feel about you...?"

A moment of silence. Megumin shocked.

Kazuma "Just leave it..." He began to walk away.

Megumin "Kazuma, do you love me?"

Silence. Kazuma shocked. He walked away. Megumin just stood there and lost his thoughts.

Kazuma walked home. He is having mixed feelings about all this. His heart was racing. He reached home. He shut himself in his room, thinking about what Megumin asked him. After a short while, Aqua and Yunyun arrived. Then an ear dropped in Kazuma's room, hoping that they could hear something. But no sound came out. Then, all of a sudden, Kazuma opened the door. Aqua and Yunyun fell to the ground.

Kazuma "What are you two doing?"

Aqua and Yunyun, with a stupid grin on their faces, said, "Hahaha, we were just passing by."

Kazuma let out a sigh and walked over to the living room.

Yunyun "Kazuma-san, where is Megumin? I thought she would be with you."

Kazuma "I let her go. She must be somewhere in town."

Aqua: "Did something occur between the two of you?"

Kazuma "No."

Aqua: "Come on, Kazuma. I can read it on your face."

Kazuma "Just give me some space; I am really uncomfortable talking right now."

Aqua and Yunyun didn't ask him anything. They decided to give him some space. They were worried about him as well.

With that said, Kazuma went outside again. He went near the tree in front of their mansion and sat down beside it. His mind was searching for peace. Just then, Kyouya showed up.

Kyouya: "There you are, Kazuma."

Kazuma was irritated to see him again. "What do you want? Are you here to mock me again?"

Kyouya "You are really mad at me for everything I have done to you, aren't you?"

Kazuma remained silent.

Kyouya "You complained to Megumin that she didn't understand your feelings. But I must say you are the one who doesn't understand her."

Kazuma "Are you here to disturb me?"

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