The Marriage Function

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Kazuma decided to go to Darkness's wedding. He rented a coat and suit from a store and bought a gift for Darkness. While he was shopping, he saw an interesting mask in one of the shops. He couldn't take his eyes off it. He went near it and was looking at it. The shopkeeper asked him whether he wanted it. Kazuma asked for its price. After giving him the cost of the mask, he took the mask with him. He packed everything in a bag and set out on his journey to Darkness's house, not far from the village.

It was a fine afternoon. Upon arriving at her home, he discovered that Darkness is rich. Her mansion was quite big and luxurious. The whole mansion was decorated with flowers. There were so many people. He showed his invitation card to the servants in front. They welcomed him to the house. Then he saw Darkness chatting with other girls inside the house. Darkness was wearing a noble and beautiful dress. She saw him and came to greet him. She was happy to see Kazuma come for her wedding. She welcomed him. Kazuma handed over the gift he brought for her. She was happy, and she thanked him for the gift. She then asked one of her servants to show him his room. Then Kazuma went to his room.

Kazuma's room was spacious, and he lay on the bed for some time. Then he decided to take a bath. Just then, through the window, he saw Kyouya and others coming. He thought that his peace was ruined. He let out a sign and went to take a shower. After the bath, Kazuma slept until the evening. Then a servant woke him up. She informed him that there would be a banquet that night and asked him to be ready for it. Kazuma agreed with her. Kazuma stayed in his room until it was time. When the time arrived, he dressed himself and went to attend the feast. At the banquet, Darkness and Walter welcomed everyone and inaugurated the feast.

During the banquet, Kazuma met Chris. Chris invited him to eat with her. So Kazuma was drinking some wine, and Chris was eating a lot. Just then,

Kyouya, with a smile "Yo, Kazuma, how are you doing? It's been a while since we saw each other."

Kazuma "Oh, Kyouya, I am fine. What about you?"

Kyouya "Oh, life is so good in this world. It feels like everything was prepared for me."

Kazuma with a lazy voice "Yeah. Yeah."

Kyouya "By the way, where is your partner?"

Kazuma: "Partner???"

Kyouya "Oh, I am sorry. You don't have one, right??"

Kazuma remained silent. He clearly knew that Kyouya was trying to mock him. Just then, Megumin arrived. She was wearing a pretty black dress. She really looks beautiful in them.

Kyouya: '"Oh, Megumin, you really look beautiful in that dress."

Megumin with a red face "Ahmm.. Thank you, Kyouya. You look beautiful too."

Both of them intentionally acted lovely and well in front of Kazuma. They wanted to make him feel jealous. But Kazuma decided to have another cup of wine. He didn't even comment on her dress. He just ignored them.

Kyouya "It seems like you have been ignored by someone, Megumin."

Megumin "It's better to ignore me rather than look at me with jealousy. What do you think, Kyouya-sama?"

Kyouya "Yeah, you are right, Megumin. We should really avoid people like that."

Darkness saw them talking. She noticed that Kazuma was silent, even after Megumin insulted him. She quickly decided to change the situation.

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