Chapter 19: Reunited with my besties

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*1 month later*
I really felt scared for Lee. He's been acting strange lately, like he's avoiding me somehow. And he's been hanging out with Lucy for quite a while now. I'm starting to feel like Lucy's plan is starting to work. The place where they hang out the most is the auditorium (also known as the stage). And god really knows what they do there. I feel like he was just using me for improving his looks, and now that he earned the chance of popularity, he took well advantage of it, not even caring about his friends anymore.
And Lily and Molly, too. They never hang out with my now, and never have.
I feel so lonely now!! :(
I hang out with myself in my secret, and I just feel so small, with everyone chatting away with their friends, and me just being,
Today was a normal lonely day, I was sitting in my secret area, just minding my own business, when someone walked in. Make that 2 people walked in.
Is it Lily and Molly? It is. So I quickly turned my body to the wall, so my back faces them.
"Hey..." they awkwardly said. I didn't reply. I mean, if they were going to apologize or what, I gotta make it hard for them. It will make me feel like I have a sense of importance, even if I don't.
"About last month, we're sorry. Really, really sorry."
I still didn't reply. So they approached me.
"We were searching for you everywhere. And we were worried sick about you. We're so relieved we finally found you here." Lily started.
My back was still facing them. They gotta do better than that.
"If you're still mad, we don't blame you. We've been absolute jerks to you." Molly said.
I gave a nodding expression and still kept my back facing them.
"We are really, really sorry. Really. What we did was wrong. We promise to never do this ever again." They said at the same time.
I kept silent for a moment, but then my tongue forced me to say, "Promise?"
"Promise." They answered.
I still kept my back facing them, but a few seconds later, I faced them. They're faces really did mean their apology. Then they both smiled.
And very randomly, I burst into tears.
Ever since last month, my life has been a mess.
They both ran to me and hugged me tight. How I miss this feeling so much. To reunite with at least one of my friends.
"What's wrong?" Lily giggled.
"Everything. Lee is now with another girl." I said, really fast.
Wait, why did I say that?
"And why does it matter?" Molly laughed.
"I don't know, probably because I..." I just couldn't say it.
"You what?" They smiled, expecting what I was going to say.
"L..." I stuttered.
I pulled back from their hug, and muttered, "I like him."
Their eyebrows stretched real far from their faces. They were just as surprised as I was.
"Why don't you tell him how you feel? He needs to know." Lily suggested.
"No!! It's a secret that will never be revealed. You gotta promise you will NEVER tell him or show your stupid signs. Only I get to choose when I should tell him. Got it?"
"Got it." They said, and they couldn't hold themselves form giggling.
How immature they are.
"Let's just go see where Lee is. And what he's doing." Lily suggested.
Good idea. The first place that came in mind was the auditorium. So we went there, and hid behind the backstage so no one would see us. And they WERE inside. The teacher was yelling at Lucy and Lee.

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