Chapter 12: The chat

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It finally was the end of the day. Lily, Molly and Lee chatted away, and I was just standing here like I was their dog, waiting for my mom to pick me up.
There she is.
"Hey, honey. How was school?" she asked, enthusiastically.
"Great." I muttered.
"Why do you look so sleepy?" she asked.
"Ms....Clarke....gave...." I stuttered.
"Sleep, honey. You look really exhausted." she told me, worriedly.
The thing is, this is the first time I sleep this late. I have a strict policy of sleeping at 8 PM, so this really affected me somehow.
When I arrived home, it turned out I had a bad headache and a fever too, so
mom told me not to do ANY homework at all, and to have some rest. She also made hot chocolate to make me feel much better.
"You need to miss out to on school, tomorrow." she told me.
Just when I was drinking my hot chocolate, there was a text. It was Lee. This is how the chat went:
Lee: Helloooo. So, what pages do we have on the science hw??
Me: I don't know. I'm really tired, so mom told me not to do any hw 2day.
Me: Don't say that. I have a really bad headache.
Lee: Oh....SOO YA, what made u doze off today??
Me: Miss Clarke gave me 4 essays to write til 5..
Lee: Oof!! That must be horrible!!
Me: I is.
Lee: Yeah.
Me: Anywho, I gotta go, go ask Lily or Molly 4 the science pages if u want them.
Lee: I don't have their number...and I don't want to, to be honest.
Me: Y???
Lee: They seem to hate my guts,!
Me: Nah. They're always like this, don't worry. Let me just give u their number.
Lee: I don't know....
Me: Don't overthink it. If they treat u rubbish, just tell me and I'll beat their heads.!
Lee: Alright.
Me: Oh, wait. we have a group chat where we chatty and stuff. Lemme add u.
Lee: THANK U!!
Me: yw....and there. Ur added.
Lee: Yay!
Me: haha.
Lee: Anyway byeee!
Me: Byeee
I'm glad he's ok. And he seems pretty friendly to me, so I don't see how my besties will treat him bad.
Another text message...and it's Lee again.
Lee: So, about changing me?
Me: erm..idk, contacts, hair, CLOTHES for sure! and ur fine.
Lee: What about clothes?!
Me: Yeah, they're cringe.
Lee: Wait, really?
Me: I mean, yes. For me...
Lee: Alright.
Me: Bye!
Lee: Bye!
(so readers, how's the book so far?? pls tell me in the comments!!)

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