All The Lovely Little Vampires chapter 14

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  • Dedicated to Christina Maria Arellano


Sooooooooooooooooo….. I uploaded! Yaaaay!!! I hope you like it, and leave lotss of comments and stuff! I wanna know what yall think, so let me know!!! I wanna do more for it, like upload videos of songs off You Tube, and add more pics of everyone (I think you al know the Twilight charactors, so really its just Lia I add pics of). I hope you enjoy it, and remember to vote fan and comment! Fan me to keep up with all the latest news and know when I upload again! Thanksss and enjoy the chapter! It’s a doozey!!!

Also, I have a You Tube account which Ill be posting vids having to do with all my writing on! Yahoo! :)

I have one vid of the characters in this book on there, which I (after lots of hard work and effort) got posted on here! Double yahoo! Watch it, I spen forever making it for yall! Thankss for reading!


           I felt Edwards cold breath against my ear, whispering a silent lullaby, just like it always has seemed to ever since I was small. The lullaby has a variety of different tunes, depending on his thoughts. This one seemed… Off beat. The tempo was all wrong, and I didn’t recognize the drift. Something’s not right here. Defiantly not right… “Lia…” His voice seemed forced, like he wanted to say it but his mind told him not to. It was then that I realized what was going on. “Edward… You- you…”

           He squeezed me tightly once and loosened his embrace. The farther he pulled away, the more my souls seams seemed to unravel. “I love you too, Lia.” Those words, Ive been yearning to hear for so long, the few words that I thought would make my whole life perfect, as perfect as him. However, they seemed wrong and perverted. They weren’t right, like they were twisted and mangled up. My breath escaped me, yet I was able to get a few words out. “You love me, but not the same way I love you, right?” I asked.

          He was now pulled back enough for me to see him nod. That was all it took to send me blindly into hysterics. Emotionally unstable (how would YOU feel if the guy you’ve been in love with madly ever since you can remember rejected you to your face???), I backed away from him quickly, nearly tripping over my own feet as I did. He lunged forward to help me before I stumbled downwards, but I stopped him. “No!” I cried, my voice cracking under the astonishment. Edward shook his head as if he either didn’t understand or refused to accept it. I don’t know how the heck he coudnt understand, so I guess he just wouldn’t take it.

          But Im the one hurting here. “Lia, please… Don’t do this.” He pleaded. Edward reached out to take my hand like hes always done, a misleading gesture, and I flinched away once again. “Don’t do what? Be upset? I cant really help it right now.” I retorted, some of the sadness converting to anger. “I would never want to hurt you, Lia. You mean so much to me.” The sound of him saying that to me sent chills down my spine. I involuntarily began to sob, the tears streaming down effortlessly, draining my energy. “Lia-”

          “Please don’t. Just go.” I inturupted him, something I don’t think Ive ever done. I swallowed the hard lump forming in the middle of my throat, but it only came right back up. Edward looked beyond hurt, like a mirror reflection of what I felt. But how could he feel how I do?

          After a moment of awkward silence, he respected my wish. “Alright, Lia.” Edward walked silently to the door, opened it and walked out. Before he shut the door I heard Him mumble to me in a breathy tone, “Im sorry.”

          I cried alone on my bed for the next few hours, the deep aching depression in my chest tearing me apart. How could this happen? One person cant love another this extreamly without the other feeling atleast remotely the same… Right?


          That thought was the only thing that kept me going on, but even it was weak, and I knew inside that it was a false hope. But I don’t know how or if I will ever get over this. The pain… It was something Ive never felt before. I felt pain when my parents died before my eyes as I sat cowering, a mere innocent child, but even that didn’t seem to amount to what I feel now. My chest heaved with agony, like it was shredding itself apart, slowly killing me inside. This pain was unbearable.

          After a few seconds I noticed that I could no longer take it. I sat up and saw that I was still in the outfir I put on this morning, shoes and all. Good. I snatched my phone off the end table next to my bed and my purse from the floor next to the door, sprinting out, down the stairs, past Alice and Esme and Carlisle, past the kitchen and the livingroom, past my favorite vase filled with strong, sweet smelling red roses, a replica of the one I accidentally shattered when I was eight and playing an intense game of hide and seek with Emmett, and past Bella and Edward, without a single glance in his direction. I heard him call my name out, but it was only a small echo in the back of my mind as I got to Alices car and, with shaking hands, managed to get the keys to unlock it and start bup the engine.

          I knew I wasn’t old enough to drive, but its not like I give a crap right now. Pull me over- make my day.

          I drove wherever the road took me, which eventually ended me up at Forks High School. Right where I wanna be right now (sarcasm). I got out and walked up to the front steps, careful not to fall from the sleek damp concreat underneath my feet. Its always like this, and you would not belive how many people fall, and how funny it is. Luckily its never been me. Im sure it will, from all the carma Im gonna get for laughing at those who did fall. I sat down sure to be ina dry spot so my butt didn’t get all wet and gross. What am I going to do…? Run away from my family like those troubled drug addicted teenagers on TV? Avoid Edward and everyone else, become a hermit living in the middle of nowhere? I didn’t exactly favor any of those ideas.

          Maybe I could avoid Edward without leaving my family. I would never want to run away from them, the wonderful beings who affectionately raised me. I love them too much to do that to them, and to myself. Besides, not only would they easily find me, but if I did run away, Aro would find out and pluck me up, dragging me kicking and screaming to Voluretta for sure. So there has got to be a solution to this without much conciquence.

          After a few hours, I decided to go home. Ive got my solution, but its not an easy one.

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