All The Lovely Little Vampires chapter 27

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                                         CHAPTER TWENTY SEVEN

 Finally, after months, I am able to upload! Ive been having computer malfunctions, so O had to get a USB and transfer it onto that, then onto my new laptop, and then the curser stopped moving on both of them at tha same time... But yay! I got it to work after forever! And here it is! Im going on a major uploading frenzy! Enjoy!

          Inside was a gleaming braclet: it was a silver rounded band that, from the bottom, separated into two separate bands. From the sides up, both bands turned a glistening black and were studded continuously with small diamonds. Over that, two more band strips circled the centerpiece like a serpent, and also encrusted with diamonds. The centerpiece was my favorite part: A detailed turquoise rose, petals lush and in bloom. I stared at it in awe and disbelief. “It was my mothers.” Edward whispered. Or maybe he said it normally. I was just so out of the world in these few moments that I could hardly comprehend what was going on in the real world.

          “Edward…?” My voice was weak as I spoke those words. I was so mesmerized by the out of the blue gift. What was I just doing? “Lia, breath.” He ordered. I realized I wasn’t taking in air and did on his command.  Edward took my hand. “Its just something special I want you to have.” He smiled a small, crooked grin, and I felt relived.

          It looked so delicate I was afraid to break it. Edward turned my hand in his a few times until picking the braclet gently out of its resting place nestled between two slits of velvet cushion and handed it to Edward. He unlatched the clasp and slid it onto my extended right hand, hooking it on . The silver was cool against my skin, and it felt forign to me. I was so filled with bliss that he would entrust something of such great value to me. Something so special. “Thank you, so much Edward.” I toyed with the new posesion and caught his eyes. The black was piercing now, and it sent a wave of worry through me.

          “Your really hungry.” I noticed aloud. He waved it off. “I can wait.”

          “No, you cant. Its dangerous, you know that.”  Guilt ate away at me that I was his reason for skipping meals, torturing himself as his throat bruned and he fought the intense urge to bite me (not that I would mind). I wouldn't allow him to hurt himself like that, especially for my sake. Even though I desired to spend all the time I could with him before later tonight when Aro arrived. I squeezed his hand as he stood silently, no remark to add to my truth. “Go. Ill be alright here for half and our or so. That’s all itll take for you to run out and catch something.” I persuaded him. He wasn’t faltering, though.

          “The reason I'm here is to make sure those three don’t dare come back. They could be watching the house, and when they see your alone here, they’ll come for you, And they wont bide their time, either.” Sometimes I hated it when he was right. “But its dangerous for me to be alone here with a hungry vampire. You know that, weather its you or someone else.”

          “No.” His answer was final and his word hard, but I still figured Id find room to maneuver. “Then Ill go with you.” I offered. His eyebrow shot up for a second, then returned to its normal spot. “That’s even worse, Lia. Ill never allow you to see me hunt. I could kill you on accident, and even if I didn’t, it would leave permeate damage on you seeing that ferocity in me.” I didn’t exactly want to see that kind of animocity anyways,  but I had to put something new on the table before I brought up his leaving for half an hour again. “Then later you can go, and Ill stay here.” I stated, determined.

          He opened his mouth to protest again, but I cut him off before he bagan. “No. I wont let you do this to yourself on my accord. You'll go.” He was a bit surprised at my deviancy, and a little impressed. “Alright. But you must swear to stay safe while I'm gone.” Well, if that was his only condition, I knew I could manage. I agreed to it solemnly, and that was settled.

          My mind was absent and blank. It was now seven O Clock. I knew Aro would be here any minute. Edward had just left to go on a quick hunt, bidding me a small kiss goodbye. I paced and stared out the window, hoping Aro would come before Edward got back. I couldn’t handle leaving him while he was still here, the explination and the fight. I was never good with goodbyes. Most likely due to my lack of ever saying real goodbyes. I never had any real friends that wernt vampires, and so I never had to say so long.

          I was too afraid to step outside since Edwards warning of the three vampires watching the house for my moment of weakness, so I was now in my room, awaiting Aros arrival. When he got here he would take me right away, struggle or not, and Edward woukd be left clueless. Then again, he would have no idea where I was, but his first guess would be that Victoria James and Laurant stole me away while he was out. So, Ill write a note, I decided.

          I searched until I found a sheet of paper and a working blue ink pen. I collapsed into my desk chair and scooted it up to my table, scrawling these words:

          My Edward,

          As you would have seen already, I'm gone. I am with Aro, he came to get me from Italy. I'm so sorry for this. I wont be coming back, ever. Aro has been planning to turn me into a vampire for a long time now, and now is the time. I have no choice, and I didn’t want you to be here when I left, because I knew you would seriously hurt yourself, maybe even get killed, by trying to keep me here. I wish things didn’t have to be this way, but we’ve all knew this day would come, since Aro kept me alive for his own reason. I don’t know why, but I'm sure Aro will treat me respectfully. Ill keep you with me always. Please don’t hate me. Tell everyone I love them. I love you. I've always loved you, more than anything ever. I could tell you not to do anything about this and let me be so you and the others stay out of danger, but I know you would all go to war with him and die to save me. So Ill tell you this. I may be able to hold it all off for a day or two, but I don’t know. Don’t go alone, no matter what. Don’t risk yourself for me. I could never live with myself.

          Please forgive me. Always, Your Lia                        

          As I finished it up and set it in the center of my bed, I heard the front door open. I raced downstairs, afraid of who I would see. Aro? Edward? Vicoria and the other two? My family returning home? Heart racing and regretting I didn’t bring a weapon with me, I laid eyes on a single figure. My heart stopped beating. “Time to go.” Alec had his hand over my mouth before I could even blink, and my muffled scream disappeared into the night.

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