All The Lovely Little Vampires chapter 13

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YES! I FINALLY ADDED THE NEW CHAPTER OF ALL THE LOVELY LITTLE VAMPIRES! THIS IS THE CHAPTER YOUVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR- THE BIG SHABANG! I hope *ehem, KNOW* you will all enjoy this chapter as much as I did! I had SO much endless fun creating it, this is one of the points in the story wich Ive been waiting to come, and now it FINALLY has!!!!

In this chapter youll find out something HUGE. And you may or may not like it, but thats how the story goes. Trust me- in the end of it all youll understand why Ive done what Ive done, and see how it all has to fit perfectly into place, youll be head over heels for the book.

So enough of my weirdly long authers note- youve all been DYING to read the next upload!!!



I wanted to become a vampire my entire nonimportaint life, but NOT like this. Becomeing an immortal supermodel seemed like a dream come true, despite the forever thirst of blood. If I was going to survive through that curse, I wanted to do it in love. Passion. Making the ultimate sacrifice for my beloved, to be with him forever. Literally. I didnt want to be a vampire in the Volturi, feasting on innocent humans and demonicly insane with lust and power. Thats like being, I dunno, SATIN. I definatly dont want to be Satin. And I definatly dont want to be a vampire raise inhumanly in the Volturi. No offense, I love Aro to death-no pun intended-, but I dont want to be raised as a newborn vampire by him. He just wont do it right. The Cullens will, and I love them more. I love Edward more...

The Cullens were worried sick about me, but Carlisle inforced that I not be questioned unless I did so willingly. Haha- yeah, right, like Im going to admit Aros scheams to them. They would get all worried and flip out, rushing over to Voluretta and pick a fight with Aro about my future (wich seemed to be rapidly approaching), then the whole Volturi would get involved, and all hell would break loose. Then only God knows what would end up of me, while being ripped to shreds by greedy human bloodthirsty vampires, and humane domesticated vegivamps who would turn into any shade of red for me.

I would never want any harm on them, either of them, so my best option is to keep silent about the whole situation and hope I can talk Aro out of this rash plan he has cooked up.

I got a goods night sleep, knowing they were all checking up on me throughout the night from my subconcious alarms.

When morning finally came after a rough nights slumber, Alice was already in my room gathering clothes for todays trip to the movies. I sat up in my bed grogily, groaning. I scratched my head and flung my legs out of the bed, opening my hands just as she tossed todays outfit to me. I rubbed my eyes and inmodestly began stripping off layers of clothes before her until I reached skin and my bra and panties, wich were purple lace, matching of course. I put the first leg into my skinny jeans as she flicked her wrist gracefully, a pair of pomogranite TOMs landing at my feet about two feet in front of me. "Hurry up, its already noon." Alice urged, tapping her foot impatiantly on the tan carpeting with on of her delicate Chimmicoos. I rubbed my eyes and finished up getting dressed. as I pulled on my last TOM Alice lifted me up off the floor. "H-hey! Alice, why are you in such a rush? Whats wrong?" I stammered. This is NOT my average Alice. Alice is sweet and perky, always in the lightest of moods and happy just to be around. Now shes acting a bit... Odd. Alice shook her head and smiled. "Nothing, Lia. Just want to be there early." She replied simply without making eye contact. She tugged my downstairs and Carlisle kissed my forehead. "Have fun." I ordered maturly, and I returned his parental gesture with a daughterly hug. Esme pulled me in and said goodbye, also. As I reached the door, Edward reached out to me. How could I forget him? I smiled broadly and squeezed his person, allowing myself to take in his sharp, sweet scent. My sences tingled just by the farmiliar smell of his body. His strong yet gental arms wrapped around me, only for an instaint, but I could have labled it as a century the way I felt- the way I feel each time he touches me.

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