All The Lovely Little Vampires chapter 9

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Hey guyss! Sorry I havnt uploaded in a while! But I have like five more chapters in my notepa thet I didn't even know wasn't uploaded! Lol! Well Lia is in BIG now! Hope y'all subscribe and vot and fan and... Well stuff! :)

Tell people about it so everyone can enjoy watching Lias complicated and sometimes deadly life from the sage side! Hope you like what's gonna happen in te next few chapters...


Going back home seemed like a really good idea at the time, until Alice had another vision.

"Aros on his way over, with Felix Alec and Dimitri." Alice announced. The car of people adopted worried and tired faces. I knew this was coming. "Well, we are just going to have to deal with it." Jasper shrugged neutrally.

It's a darn good thing he could stay cool and collected, so he could spred those positive feelings throughout the family.

But it still wasn't enough to calm me down. It's all my fault that Aro is coming, and now Ill be forced to go down to Voluretta. Oh gosh... With Alec.

Alec has always had a huge desire for me romanticly, weather it was because he thought I was beautiful or just wanted my blood.

Either way I don't want him.

And Jane hates me with a passion.

As we pulled in to the drive I noticed a sleek black limo with black tinted windows and the Voluretta flag on the side. Well, that's not going to attract any attention at all. Note the extreamly heavy sarcasm.

As I exited the car I wondered if I should pile back in, or maybe hide behind Edward. I voted against it and trotted inside. Right away I saw the figures of four men in the rooms. Aro bounded over to me with open arms. "Ahh, my little Ophilia! Growing so fast!" He boomed. I allowed him to give me a quick hug.

"Yes well, humans do grow." I said dumbly. Alec shot me a seductive grin and nodded towards me. I bashfully and sheepishly glared away. "Yes yes," He mumbled to himself, spacing out again. "Well! This matter of you coming to Voluretta now," Aro began jollily. Edward and Carlisle exchanged worried glances. The family hated me going to The Voltiuri because it was a high danger risk. I could be eaten by a savage, or turned without their concent, or kept hostage there. There is generaly nothing they could do to get me back from Aros grasp. He is full power.

I shook my head. "I can't Aro, I have school." I made an excuse swiftly in my head. It was acually an exceptable and worthy answer. I would pat myself on the back later. I only go to the Voltiuri during the summer because of school. Of course, I knew Italian and Spanish and Latin (even though it IS a dead language) so I could speak to the natives, and I knew the local hot spots and good places to eat. But I didn't want to go, not really. Pluse Ill be alone with Alec...

And Jane.

But there was no stopping Aro; he will always have his way. Just because he favors me over even Jane dosnt make me nonprone to his wants. "Nonsence!" He shooed my comment away like a gnat. I crossed off patting myself on the back and replaced it with slapping myself in the face. "Youll come stay with the Voltiuri, you have your room and Felix will stand on your guard. Alec will watch you, also. Enough safty for a queen, my dear!" Insisted the vampire lord.

I sighed and nodded. "Ill get my things." I murmured. It made no differance tothem since they have destinct vampire hearing. "How does a month sound?" he asked, and I stopped dead in my tracks. "A MONTH??" I exlaimed. The others joined in this time. "Think logicly now Aro my friend," Carlisle reasoned. "she cannot miss an entire month. Shell fall much behind."

"I will provide the best of tutoring for her." He shrugged nonchalantly. This time I fessed up a d got the nerve to say something. "I don't want to go for an entire month, Aro." I swallows my fear of ticking off the king and stood with a ridged spine. "Two weeks then?" Aro haggled.

"Two days." I crossed my arms defiantly and put my foot down. Aro chuckled. "Oh I do love a good haggle. Three days it is."

I didn't exactly agree with it, but what the hell. Three days is good enough for me. Atleast it's not a month. I went upstairs and gathered my things, my while family in tow. As I packed up some things they said their goodbyes. "We'll see you in a few days," Esme hugged me with a bit too much oomph, but I greatfully embraced her. She smelled like honey and sweet pea, the smell Ive labled as mother ever since I could remember Esme.

"Be safe Lia, make sure you go out during the day but stay in your quarters during the night." Carlisle warned with a soft tone. I smiled and nodded. Emmett gave me a big bear hug and lifted me off the ground. "Dont get in trouble." he slurred. "Ill try." I managed through his squeezing on my

lungs. He let me down and I exhaled noisily. Everyone laughed and Edward gave me a hug. I felt a tingle go through my whole body as he spoke and held me at the same time. "Stay away from Alec, okay?" he bent down to my ear and whispered. I barely caught it because it was so low.

I slightly nodded y head to I ducats that I understood what he was asking of me. I would have stayed away from Alec anyways even if he didn't ask me to, but just knowing he did makes me wonder. Does he see the looks Alec always shoots in my direction? Does he feel the angry and jelouse way about the way Ale. Looks at me like I do about the way Bella gazes at him? Does he care that way about me like I do to him?

Just thinking about it gave me a case of gooseflesh. Edward released me just as Alice gathered me in her arms like I was still five and she cradled me there. "Have fun Lia. Shop for cute foreign lingera!" I blushed and giggled. "Sure thing, Alice."

Jasper nodded and gave me a quick hug. I suddonly felt light and giddy. That was no mystery. "Thanks bro." I whispered to him and grinned. He flashed me a handsome western smile. The thing I love about Jasper is that we were both from the same place. We both came from the Houston area in Texas. Of course, he came in many years before I did. And he still retained his southern twang and charm. Sometimes, if you get lucky, his accent will slip and you'll be blessed with the sound.

Rosalie walked up to me. "Dont do anything stupid." She breathed in that careless and laid back tone she always uses. She suddonly wrapped me in a hug. "Come back safe." Rosalie sighed. "Thanks. I will." I replied. It's a rare occasion when Rosalie is this sweet and caring. When I was a little girl living with them I always remember Rosalie cuddling me, loving and caring for me. She nurtured me more than Esme did. But as I grew, Rose moved away and Edward moved closer.

Maybe Rose is seeing the baby she once mothered in me now. She told me she loved and adored children once, and all she ever wanted was a husband and children of her own.

She let me go and flipped my hair a bit to volumize it. I smiled at that and walked back out the door, into the livingroom. Aro was casually chatting away with Alec when we all walked back in. He saw me holding a leather suitcase and smiled. "Well then, have we said good bye for now?" he questioned as if he wasn't listening upstairs.

"Yeah." I answered anyways for his own pleasure. Last thing I wanted to do was PO Aro.

As Aro escorted me out to the limo, I remembered the feel of Edwards arms atound me , and his words echoed in my head; "Stay away from Alec, okay?".

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