All The Lovely Little Vampires chapter 10

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NEW CHAPTER ALERT! NEW CHAPTER ALERT! I think some of you will be surprised and some of you won't. Nevertheless; Hope you enjoy Lias jacked up lifestyle! Maybe some way it will become un-jacked up- or even more maybe!


I set down my luggage in the room, my summertime room that still smelled somewhat like haircare products and death. What a lovely mixture. It was a huge, mainly empty toumb like room with a thick european theme. A scarlet red heavy rug was under my feet, but the surrounding area was hard black granite. I had a cherry oak dresser, vanity and bed posts. The sheets o. My bed were hand stitched in theate 1800s with garnet black and gold threads. Really it was just a rich gothic/midevil styled palace.

It was super.

Aro had blessed me with one of the best rooms, and I was thankful for his genorosity. But that had made Jane despise me furthar, which could only mean worse outcome for me in the end. I do have two ruggad body guards though, so that should help out my case bunches.

The only thing was that I had to go out and do something, and I have no idea how to pass the time for three whole days. Maybe I could just go shopping, or sight-seeing.

A knock sounded at my door, and I asked; "Who is it?"

A familiar light voice answered my question. "It is Alec." A shiver of something between being frightened and nervous. "Did you need something?" Maybe I should have gone put a little sooner. Oops. Underground so no windows to crawl out of. My only option is to go out of the door. Dang it.

I accepted my only option and sluggishly draged my feet over to the chamber doorway. Alec stood there, proper and royal as he's always been. Any other girl would find him immensly and unbearably attractive. I mean hell, Alec is really good looking; but he's just not my type. He's too... Dangerous, and unpredictable. One second he could be laughing and dining with you, making you feel like the luckiest girl on the world. The next he could be dining on your fresh blood.

"Would you care to have dinner with me tonight?" He sounded so sincere and sweet, but I knew under that blanket of kindnessnlurks a wild beast ready to pounce on my jugular. I bet he was imagining feeling the hot blood pump out of my neak and into his palms. Eww- mental picture. Double eww- was he staring at my neak?! (you know, most guys would stare at whirls chest, but these guys would stare at your neak. Some guys would imagion you without clothes on, but these kind of guys would imagion you as a meal, compleate with the apple-in-the-mouth thing.)

I shuddered and grabbed my purse. I'll justso see the native beauty or something. This is gonna be super boring.

It was getting dark so I headed back to Aros prison. He had called me earlier saying he had some dresses fitted for me and that there in my room. How he knows my sizes to the exact I have no idea. I hope they meet my santisfaction.

When I arrived back at the Volturi headquarters Felix was on my tail. "Where do you think you've been at all day?" He snapped. I rolled my eyes and shooed him away like a fly. "Quit breathing down my neak, Felix. I was out sight seeing and then I got sone lunch from a local resturant."

The food here was pretty darn good, I had to admit. Plus I was practicly a celebetyy around here. It's not often that a rich American girl comes to Voluretta all the time. I'm practicly treated like a royal. Before Felix could chastise me anymore I added "Im going to go get ready. See you later."

I bounded into my room and shut the door. I didn't want him to follow me in here while I dress. Creepy.

The first thing I saw was the dresses. Four or five gowns rested on the end of my bed.

A note was easily set on top of the neat pile. I picked it up and read it.

"Ophilia, I know how much you love Persian Silk and the deep purples and browns. I trust everything is in perfect order and to your liking.


I slid on the first dress, a floor length brown and purple ballgown. It was poofed out at below the waist and had a belt aroung the middle which was silvery colored. Nice.

The next was a tight fitting silk gown with a turtle neak and long tight sleeves, but in the back had a dip down to my mid back. It was white withone large ruby in the center of the neak. Really cute; but awfly flashy and the red jewel on the neak reminded me of blood going out of my throat.

The third was nice and didn't leave too much flesh showing. It's a black and white dress that went down to my kneecaps and poofed at the bottom. It had a floral swirly design. And a wide crimson belt that streached from just below my boobs to my waist. In the center of the belt was a large ice crystal jem in the shape of a flower. It was very nice, I thought.

The last one was anlot like the first. It was floor length and scarlet red with a V neak and long sleeves which had V shapes at the ends on my wrists. It had black threading.

Too vampirey.

I went with my third choice and did my hair up in a fancy bun with a jeweled silver hair band. I thought twice about meting it back down so not to expoased my neak, then decided it was fine the way it was. Besides; I loved the way it looked like this. It's not too often I do this to my hair.

I sighed and left my room to walk down to the dining hall, Felix on my heels. "Gawd, do you HAVE to follow me 24/7?" I groaned. Felix ignored my with a scowl and I gave up my complaining. Besides; we were almost to the dining hall anyways.

As I walked in to the expansive almost hollow room, I noticed one little thing- it was empty. I turned around and saw thy Felix was gone. Cool. The one time I need him he's gone. The long mohagany table was set with two dining sets, one on each end. Candles on the table gave the dark room a shallow glow that said "Im creepy, but trying to be romantic".

I guess Aro was really desperatly trying to hook me up with Alec. Awkward. A blurr sped across the room and landed in the front table chair. I jumped a little. Alec smiled. "Sorry Im late. Did I frighten you?" He seemed to take pleasure in me being scared and paranoid. "N-no, I'm fine." I muttered and took my seat.

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