All The Lovely Little Vampires chapter 12

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Hmmm... Getting... Quite... Intresting....

Well- to me, atleast.

Hope you like this new chapter! Lol this is like my fourth upload in the last twenty minutes! *ABRUPT MAXIMUM UPLOAD!*


School and daily life went on as usual; I was with Edward, and the others, and Bella too. Maybe I could be friends with a human, Bella seemed like a nice down-to-Earth girl. She can't really help drooling ad swooning over my Edward. I mean, I did the same thing. Edward is a vampire (plus he was hot when he was a human too), so he's going to be sexy as hell. But he's mine.

At lunch we had no problems, but I wasn't watching for any either. I spent my time with Edward valubly, talking and hanging on the sound of his every word.

"Im going shopping and to see a movie with Esme and the girls tomarrow." I informed him in biology. Edward smiled. I swoone in my head. "Sounds fun. How long do you think you all will be gone for?" He asked. "Oh, three hours or so? It's a weekend so I'm all good."

The conversation led on randomly.

"Ophilia," The eacher called on me with his bland, strained voice. "Yes sir?" I replied politely. I expected him to ask me a question I had no idea the answer to, but insted he gestured to the door with a simple wave of his hand.

"You were called to the office."

Called to the office...?

I dont think I've ever really been called to the office before: well maybe like two or three times by Esme or Carlisle.

Edwatd shot me a confused worried glance and I shrugged, stood and trotted out the door and to the office to see what was up.

As I entered the small front office the first thing I saw was the lady at the counter who answers all the phones. She looked up and smiled. I choked up a kind grin, but it kinda felt like a grimance. Luckily she had already looked down so she didn't see it. I looked around, curious of why Ive been called up here. "Why was I called up here?" I spoke up after a moment of irritation. She looked up again but this time I spared no time worrying weather my facial expression was sweet enough for her. I was too agitated to think about that. One of my many flaws is my easy- to-trigger temperment. Edward always helps me keep it under control, but since I was just pulled out of class with Edward for no apparet reason and walked down here for nothing, Im getting ticked. And Mr.Jasper isn't here with his magical mood control powers.

"Oh- a package was delivered for you by your father." Carlisle? No. If he had come here to give somethig to me then he would have done it personally, and been here. And he wouldn't have wrapped whatever it was up on like a freaking Christmas present. All done up in golden paper and ribbons like silk...

Aro. He would come here saying he was my father. But what package is this? I picked it up and ran my hands over it adoringly. "All I need is you to spoil me even more, Aro." I whispered to myself. "The man said for me to tell you to have a good day." She spoke, then added. "Lovely present. Your father must love you very much."

I nodded and left the office absently. "Little sneak, can't even give it to me face to face." I mumbled as I carelessly ripped open the papers and ribbons. The box underneith was like an old fancey hat box, but in a rectangular shape. I quickly threw off the lid.

Inside was a wax papered something or another with an intriquet card laying gracefully on top. I opened up the car ld and read the inscribing penciled inside of it.

'My dearest Ophilia; You have grown up into a young woman before my eyes! I trust Alec has already informed you of my plans. I do digress his bluntness and formally appologize on his behalf. Once I turn you, you shall live in Voluretta with I and the other vampires. I hope you and Alec do get along well because I have planned you two to be together for now on much more.

The dress inside of this box I was saving for when I turn you. It is the most ecsquisit gown I had ever laid eyes on, and I gift it to you. The matching neclace and shoes are in your closet awaiting you.

Now that you are nearly a full fledged woman of sixteen I have decided to create you to your full destiny. Enjoy your last few weeks of human life my daughter.

Because soon you will see through new eyes."

There was no signiture; but there was no need for one. Aro knew I would know it was him.

A single fatal word escaped my petrified lips.


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