All The Lovely Little Vampires chapter 25

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                                     CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE

 Hahahah! So I had to make that last chapter as clean as I could! Hope your liking the story so far! COMMENT-VOTE-FAN-COMMENT-VOTE-FAN-COMMENT-VOTE-FAN-COMMENT-VOTE-FAN-COMMENT-VOTE-FAN!

          I shoveled in another huge bite of pancakes into my mouth, a drop of syrup landing on my lower lip, then dribbling down to my chin. Edward burst out laughing, and so did I, covering my mouth full of food so he couldn’t see it. I finally swallowed the mouthful and wiped my face with a wet towel. “This is really good.” I gestured to the plate of food he made me, pancakes sausage eggs and completed with all the condiments. It tasted amazing. “I don’t think I've ever tasted your cooking before.”

          He countered my statement. “Yes you have. Who do you think brought you your meals every day in your room?”

          I looked up in confusment. Edward was the one always bringing me food during my pitiful downfall? “I thought it was Esme…?”

          He shook his head. I stared down at the plate before me. I cleared my throat to break the silence forming. “Well, its really freakin good.” That made him smile, and I giggled. I had dressed in the purple shirt Edward had given me so long ago, it alone seeming special for the occation, and a pair of darkwash skinny jeans. I was currently running about barefoot, Edward doing the same in his white button up and grey pea coat, matched with a loose fitting pair of jeans.

          Just taking one look at him now, thinking he was mine, and no one else could have him. I felt like after what happened, a big tattoo reading ‘EDWARD’S’ was stamped across my forehead, and vise versa to him. I could never even look at another guy with intrest (not that I ever even really did) again with him. No one could compare to him, to what I had in my possession now. I will never need anything else but him. Well, you know, besides the nesesities like food and water…

          Or maybe not. At this rate, Ill be a vampire in the next fourty eight hours. I felt guilty, like I was betraying Edward. He put me through so much before he finally realized his feelings, and now that were both happy, it will come to a quick end. I really only have a day and a half of true bliss. But just the taste of it is enough to santisfy me for a while. But going forever as a royal vampire in Voluretta, ruling with a cold white fist. Aro would soon mold me into his perfect vampire daughter, cold and uncaring, by his side forever.Once I'm a vampire by his hand, feeding on humans whenever I please, I'm sure the taste of evil, and human life, will never wash out, no matter how much animal blood I ween myself on to, if ever.

          “Lia?” Edwards concerned voice snapped me back into the room. His brow was slightly furrowed at he stared at me. I shrugged and forced a smile, hoping it seemed real. He could read my worried thoughts without even using his powers on me. Sometimes I wonder how things would have worked out if he could read my mind. He would have known I was in love with him since the first moment I though it, and he would know about Aros plans, and my deception. He would know everything.Which means we would never have anything to talk about, no tense moments where I spill a secret and hes taken aback by real surprise. Things would be a lot less complicating, yet a lot less fun and exciting. I shrugged again. “Sorry. You know me, always spacey.”

          He didn’t preticularly buy into it. Edward walked over to me, taking a seat on the barstool beside mine. He propped his head up with one hand and stared at me. “Sometimes I wish I could know what goes on in your head.” He admitted. Man, he was gorgeous. I wanted to say ‘Yeah, sometimes I wish that too.’ But stuck with the safe answer., so he wont ask me what does go on in my mind. “Oh, mindless things. Like clothes and tampons.” I brushed it away as we laughed, glad to see him smile. I wonder how many more of those pure Edward smiles I have left?

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