All The Lovely Little Vampires chapter 29

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                                      CHAPTER TWENTY NINE

 Sorry about the random underlining! If its still there, just ignore it (at the bottom of the story)

          As we raced through the dense forest, trees began to thin out until it was all mostly tall grass and clearing openings. We were beginning to enter open territory. Why would he take such a risk? Surly he knew this was Wolf land, and he could smell them, too. Was he prideful enough to think he could just rummage through their land, hassle free?

          Even through all the blurs, I noticed a large red building, a barn or garage possibly. Things were about to get messy. Alec stopped in the middle of running, and I took in my surroundings. Next to me was a white house, old looking and surrounded by old car parts and overgrown uneven grass. There was a large shed near by, and I noticed half-built cars peeking from the opening. Red danger zone lights flashed in my mind, making me thin Alec wanted us both to be killed.

          Suddenly a man wheeled himself out of the house from his wheelchair, down the ramp. He was quickly pursuited by a young man, my age or so. He wore only a pair of denim cut off kapris and a worn pair of running shoes. His face was fierce and twisted with disgust as he stared at Alec with fiery hate. The man in the wheelchair stared at Alec with controlled anger. “This is our land, vampire.” He said coolly, but with a rocky, rough voice. It was a wonder they haven’t attacked him yet, or even morphed.

          “So?” Alec laughed harshly, and the wheel chaired man extended a hand to stop the shirtless boy from running over, fists clenched and steam practically pouring from his nose and ears. Alec loosened his grip on my mouth, purposely or not I was unsure of, and I showed no fear on my face. “Get the hell off our land, bloodsucker. And let go of the girl.” The boy demanded with such force in his voice, even I flinched a bit. Alec only laughed cruelly. I shook my head, making Alecs hand fall. “Let me go, Alec!” I ordered. The two men a ways before us looked suddenly shocked. They probably never encountered a victim of a vampire who knew the capturer on a first-name basis.

          “Never.” He grinned maliciously and leaned down, kissing my forehead without taking his eyes off the two wolves. The boy growled. “Get your hands off her, leech.” He hissed. I was flattered by the protection he was providing for me, even though we haven’t even met before. Then it occurred to me that it was simply through his blood lusty hate for vampires, especially ones like Alec.

          “I shall not, filthy animal.” My captor shot back. I struggled. “Ill never marry you!” I shouted. Alec squeezed me harder to his stone-like body and I gasped for air. “Stop what your doing, vampire.” Sneered the wheel chaired man. “Or else.”

          “Or else, what?” Alec retorted. That was the last thing he ever said. I could hardly see what happened, for one because it went so fast, and because it was out of my line of view. All I saw was a deep brown movement and Alecs grip release from my waist and torso. I staggered forward, taking in air, and the boy dragged me forward by my arms, picking me up with inhuman strength and running me into the house. I only got half a seconds glance as two car sixed wolves tore Alec apart.

          He sat me down on a cracked leather couch a few feet from the door we just entered, the swiftly shut it behind him. “How much did you know?” He demanded of me in a stern but somewhat gentle voice. I took a deep breath, sweeping my hair back from my face with one hand. “I've always known everything. The Wolves, vampires, the Vulture, and the pact.” I shrugged as if it were nothing. It was nothing to me, having all this forbidden knowledge. I gained it at such a young ago that it seems normal to me. I've grown up with vampires, wars and Wolves.

          He raised his brow and lowered it in impressed evasiveness, like he was shocked but glad he wasn’t in any trouble of letting out some major secret to the world. Then he walked over leisurely and took a seat beside me on the old couch. “Sorry about you’re…” He trailed off for a second, mustering up what he would say next. “Friend back there.” This boy apparently saw him as a friend as much as I did. I scoffed. “I hate him. He’s an abusive, big headed, greedy brat. I'm glad he’s gone. If it weren’t for you all, he would have me in Europe right now and have made me into his bloodthirsty vampire queen.” I spat.

          “Why?” The boy asked. He was intrigued by my story already. “I'm Jacob, by the way. Jake.” He added quickly. I extended a hand, which Jacob shook promptly after a second’s hesitation. “Ophilia. Lia.” I replied. I cleared my throat. “Well, I'm going to say it’s because he knows I've never wanted anything to do with him, and he’s possessive. I would never marry him.” Marry.

          Edward. I gasped and stood, Jake standing not half a second after me, sensing for more vampires and danger. “Edward!” I said involuntarily. Jake shot me a look as if to say what-about-that-bloodsucker?!

          “I have to get back home!” I ran out to the door, but Jakes Wolf speed outran me, and he blocked my exit. “I can smell more vampires. Three.” I choked on my release-me argue. Victoria?!

          There was a knock on the door, which made me jump back and squeal. Jake sprung into a protective stance before me, crouched in a position that reminded me very much of a wolf. The door opened fast, hitting the wall with a bang. Jake looked mere seconds away from morphing, when the wheel chaired man rolled in, followed closely by Carlisle, Esme, and Edward.

          The sight of him gave me a sweep of delighted chills down my spine, and before I even registered his expression in my mind, his cool body was pressed to mine and he had me in his arms, folding me in a wonderful, love-filled embrace. I let out all my breath and inhaled his scent, the strong sweet aroma of freesia. Despite his cold skin, warmth spread throughout my whole body.

          Edward spread a trail of eager kissed over my face and I laughed, an easy, relief filled laugh. Our lips pressed together in mutual hunger, though soft and appropriate for the presence of other people. We embraced each other for the longest time, Edward refusing to let me go, which I beamed from. As soon as we pulled away from each others faces, his arms still around my waist and mine around his neck, Carlisle spoke up. “Alice saw Alec come in and capture you, Lia.” He said. “We came as soon as we could, darling.” Esme followed up. Darling. Aro calls me that. Speaking of Aro…

          “Lia?” Esme called to me, concerned. I glanced around at all the faces, peering at me with worry. I must have spaced out. Only Jakes and the wheel chaired man’s faces were other worry. The man looked mildly disturbed, while Jake was more than happy to expose his utter disgust. When I met eyes with him, he gave me an unapproving look, and then cast his eyes down in embarrassment. I felt bad for him for a second, and then realized I shouldn’t have to impress him. If he hates vampires, I don’t give a crap. I'm in love with one, and I have no need for his approval.

          “Sorry, what?” I asked in general. Esme and Carlisle exchanged unsure looks. “We were worried you had already been… Bitten.” Esme admitted sheepishly. I took in the consequences of what would have happened if Alec had bitten me, or if he wouldn't have taken the path through the Reservation. I would be royally screwed. “So, Alice saw me be taken away by Alec?” I pressed, wondering if they knew anything of my situation with Aro, or if Aro knew of Alec’s deception. Where was he, anyways?

          “Yes. We were so concerned for you.” She answered. I took a strong hold on Edwards’s hand. “I'm fine. Nothing happened. Let’s just go home.” All I wanted to do was be home. Who knows how much longer I have that choice. Edward steered me to the exit. As we left, the Wolves heated gazed pierced my skin, making me feel unwelcome, like I was a traitor. I suppose being in love with a vampire made me a villain too, tainted with the bad history of their kind along with them. “Ill never leave you again, Lia.” Edward whispered for my ears only. “I promise.” He fathered me in his arms and we were off.

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