All The Lovely Little Vampires chapter 5

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"Dont even!" I laughed as I walked around the Seattle mall for the millionth time. "Everyone knows Supermans real identity was Clark Kent! How could you think it was James Bond??"

Bella smiled and gave an acute shrug. "Im not really a superhero person." She replied. "Your not a superhero person, your not a music person- what kind of person are you exactly" I asked wonderingly. Bella pondered for a moment on this notion. "Im a loyal person." She answered without hesitation. I laughed again. "I mean what do you like?" I stated my question clearer this time. "Well... I guess Im an off beat person. The only thing I can think of that I like is heat."

"And you live in Forks? The cold wet rainy town?" We made a sharp turn at a book store. "Yeah. My dad, Charlie- he's the sherif here. I came to live with him when my mom got remarried. We acually moved here about the same time." Explained Bella in a smooth manner. I nodded knowingly. "Are you and Edward family?" she asked randomly. "No. Not quite. My parents were murdered when I was five. It's acually a really long story." I muttered. Bella looked taken aback, and kind of sorry about asking about my family too. "Oh. Well Im here for you if you ever wanna talk about it." she soothed. "I don't think I ever will acually." I snapped. "Sorry. It's a sore subject." I quickly corrected my I'll manners. Growing up as a human around dearest Rosalie can really but some bitterness on your tounge.

"Its fine. So then, are you two dating?" she pushed for information. Not really any of her buisness though. "No why?" I answered her question with one of my own. Hah, take that creepy childrens comics in the morning newspaper. "Just wondering if he was dating anyone. I noticed you two holding hands once." She shrugged it off like it was nothing. Typical Bella Swan arrogance, obliviant to all hatred and violance around her. Gee, I bet the guys just swoon over her back in Phoenix don't they?

"He isn't. We are just super close to each other." I stated with sly cold bitterness tainting my cute voice. Bella apparently didn't pick up on it, because she looked ahead normally. Like I had said before, typical Bella Swan arrogance and obliviance to all hatred and bitterness around her. I wonder if thats concidered a good or bad trait? God, I am such a Rosalie sometimes. I acually feel bad for Bella having to put up with my brattyness sometimes. I should really work on that.

Meh, maybe later.

Bella drove me back to the diner when we left home. I'm not stupid enough to let her drive me home, and figure out where Edward lives. Haha, eat your precious innocent heart out Isabella Swan. Don't be feeble enough to choke on it though, my pretty.

"See you later Lia." Bella waved farewell and drove off home. I waited for Edward; I had texted him on the drive home. I wonder if Edward ever thought of me as more than just his sister, or more than just his best friend? I don't know what I would do if he didn't feel the same way as I did for him to me. Or if he found some lovely vampire girl and fell in love with her. Then not only would I have to wither away to wrinkled nothing, but I would have to do it while watching Edward stay eternally beautiful with his eternally beautiful vampire wife. That would really kill me. As I waited I heard acute footsteps approche me from the left. I turned and saw something that almost made me pee in my TOMS black vegan wrap boots.

A deathly pale man began making his way towards me in the darkness.

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