All The Lovely Little Vampires chapter 34

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                           CHAPTER THIRTY FOUR

 This chapter is so freaky! Its actually kinda scary and gross, but WOW! Epic! And I literally have like one or two chapters left in this book until I begin the next one in the saga, All The Wicked Little Vampires! This book is gonna have a cliff hanger! Once Im done with it, Ill pull it out and change it up some, get it edited, ect., and send it in for publishing! Wish me luck, and thanks for reading! Enjoy! :)

          I felt an arm on my shoulder right as she said the order, and I knew this would be the end. Nothing could save me now. Was I ready to die? Well, no, but I can’t exactly choose, can I? It jest seems like a waste. Now that everything has finally gone right, I have to die. A chill swept through my body, and I waited for the piercing fangs to break into my neck. But it didn’t happen. Instead, Emil jerked me off and out of the room.

          “W-what are you doing?” I stammered. He threw me around like a rag doll as he drug me down the long, wide tiled hall. “Shut up.” She snapped, and I did just that. Jane didn’t seem to have anything to say about him dragging me off to my death, so maybe this was a part of the plan. I dreaded what was to come. I doubt that he wanted to eat me in some other room for the hell of it.

          I never imagined that I would meet my parents same end, death by Strigoi attack. The chances were slim, and it almost seems ironic. People don’t get killed by Strigoi very often, not in the US anyways, which is why it’s so controlled. Their not allowed hunting in Italy, either, by rule of the Volturi. I hear they do most f their hunting in Russia and other scattered places with a lot of nightlife and chances of Moroi life.

          He came to a large ornate door and kicked it open, shoving me inside. I hit the floor a few feet in and slid across the ground. It was a large, completely empty room minus a few tables and shelves full of old dusty objects I couldn’t identify, so I didn’t hit any walls. I sprang to my feet. This was my only chance, while his back was turned and he was ten feet from me. My chances were zero to one hundred. I'm even willing to except that Ill lose and get killed. But not without a fight.

          I sprinted to the nearest thing; a long wooden shelf, and began grabbing things off it. I threw one item, a thick binded book at him, and he deflected it easily. The next was a candlestick. Tall and made of an expensive and heavy looking golden metal, I clutched it in my hand and ran at him. I got in one hit on his arm before he snatched it from my grasp and threw it with effortless ease to the far wall to the right. It smashed when it made contact, making a large dent in the granite wall. I minced as Emil wrapped his fingers around my throat, lifting me up off the ground. Déjà vu. This same thing happened the night James Victoria and Laurant made their first grand appearance with me.

          I gagged and he squeezed his fingers tighter, completely cutting off my air supply and turning my face bright red. A malicious laugh escaped his mouth. “The little fly makes an attempt to fight me off.” He took a few steps forward. “I must admit, I am impressed at your bravery. Although completely stupid and useless.”

          Just as I thought I may pass out, he let go of my throat and I collapsed on the floor in a crumpled heap, gasping for air and weak. I made an attempt to crawl to the door and he extended a leg in my path, kicking me back over in front of him. I couldn’t even really feel the blow anymore. Still wheezing, I held my chest, and he knelt beside me. Emil snaked one hand under my head, lifting it up off the ground. “You’re extremely lucky. Most of my kind would have just snapped you neck and gotten it over with. But I m being so nice. You won’t even feel a thing. Strigoi bites are painless, nice even.”

          Emil slowly bent his head down, using his free hand to brush away my hair from my neck. One that was done, he cupped my chin in order to keep my head from struggling. I squeezed my eyes shut and whimpered. Emil’s breath was surprisingly warm on my neck, and I felt him brush his lips over the tender skin over my jugular. It called to my attention that he was taking way too much pleasure in this. Emil’s firm, cold hands jerked my head to one side, making my neck more of an open target. “You know, human blood is nothing compared to Moroi blood, but yours smells almost as nice.” His statement made me whimper involuntarily, and he chuckled low in his throat.

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