chapter 1

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7 Months ago...

Hii, i am Jyotica Sharma, Born in India, Brought up in London. after completing my MBA from London i moved back here, it's been 2 years i started working here in Delhi... My parents live in Chandigarh.. but I'm soon gonna get transferred in Mumbai.

Just a random day at office. I was completing my transfer procedure and my phone buzzed.
It was my Father, i received his call.

MR. SHARMA : Hi Beta

Me: Hi papa, what's wrong..

His voice sound different from usual.

Me : what happend papa?? Is mama ok ?

MR. SHARMA : yes beta she is fine.. it's just.. you remember Daima, mr. Gill's mother..?

Me : yes papa i have met her few times .. what happened to her ?

MR. SHARMA : she is not well beta. She is at her last step. Doctors said we can only pray for her.

Me : ok so...?

MR .SHARMA : since morning she is asking for you. I don't know why but she is been constantly asking me about you.. that she want to see you for one last time.. can you please pack your things up and come here as soon as possible ?

Me: but papa.. remember i told you, next week I am getting transfered in mumbai. And I have so much pending work to take care of. papa i....

MR. SHARMA : beta please, she have done so many things for me, for us, when I had nothing, She paid my fees, gave me shelter to live.and now she is asking something for the first time. Please don't say no. just pack your bag for 2 days and come Chandigarh . please.

I have met daima and mrs. Gill for few times but we were never that close. Why would she ask for me when she is on her deathbed.
Having no excuse for debate i said yes to papa and took a flight from delhi to chandigarh.

My parents picked me up from airport and within 20 minutes we reached 'Gill Mension'.

It was huge, white Mension. Normally huge mensions or villas are just too materialist for me but I don't know why this one is giving me some warm, homely vibe.

The moment I entered in that house i saw him. "HIM"

shubman Gill.

"Shubman. fucking. Gill."

wearing white T-shirt and black shorts he stood there with worried expression on his face. I mean of course his grandmother is sick . I have met his family few times but this is for the first time I am seeing him in person.

Me and my parents walk past to him and entered in Daima's room.

Mrs Gill(whispered in daima's ear) : Daima she is here.

Daima opened her eyes and looked at me. And smiled.

Daima : Come here beta.

I stood there on left side of her bed. She slowly took my right hand in her shaky hand and called for shubmam. Within a minute shubman entered in room. He stood on right side of her bed and again daima took his left hand in her hand. Aur families were staring at 3 of us. And even i was Confused what is happening?

She looked at shubman and said...

Daima : shubman bachha you love me right.
You have listened everything I said for all those years. Today I'm going to request something for very last time to you. Will you comeplete my wish?

Shubman(with teary eyes ) : daima don't say anything like that. Please.

Daima: no beta. I am aware i don't have much time left. But before leaving this world and you behind i want to see you getting married. Jyotica here (she said whilst caressing my hand) is a wonderful girl. You both are suitable for each other. Promise me you'll complete my last wish and get married with her.

Everyone, literally everyone was shoked with daima's request. I looked at my parents and then at shubman. He was starting at me with zero expression on his face.

Daima once again said with hope in her eyes "shubu tell me youll complete my last wish na." She said.

Again entire room was silent

"Yes he will maa" shubman's father mr. Gill said.

How can he agreed with something like this?

Shubham was as shocked as me but out of nowhere he said "Daima I'll marry her" with zero expression on his face.

Mrs Gill came forward towards my mom, took her hand in her own hand , and she said " mrs sharma i know it's a huge decision but I promise I will treat her as my own daughter, i will treat her same as I treat shahneel. Please say yes to this marriage."

Mrs sharma: i know mrs Gill but its totally jyotica's decision, we cant force her..

Now everyone including daima and my parents starring at me. i looked at my father. He was confused. I know daima did so many things for papa. He will never force me into this marriage but now it's his time to pay Daima's Debt.

"Yes daima. I'll marry" i said with no sense of anything thats happening with me out of sudden.

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