chapter 36

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We immediately left for chandigarh.  Those two hours between mumbai to Chandigarh was unbearable for us. All we wanted to do was to reach there as soon as possible and see our family.

Shubman was quite the entire journey. I know he's just trying to be strong and calm for us. Jishu was peacefully sleeping in my arms. Unaware of eveything thats happening around him. Shubi booked two cabs. One for Him to Hospital and one for me to go Home. No matter how much I want to go there and meet papa, I had a baby, whom i can't take to the Hospital. I don't think I'll able to sleep tonight. I'll go and see papa tomorrow the first thing in the morning.

I saw shubi when he was setting all luggage in my cab.

"Shubi, breath."

"I'll breath when I'll see him." he replied.

"Call, if you need me there, ok?"

"Yeah I will. Call me, once you reached Home" he said coldly.

Without saying a word I turned around to sit in the cab when suddenly he hugged me from behind.

"I'm scared. I want you there with me but.. But i understand, we can't take jishu there." He whispered.

I Chuckled. He is such a baby.

"Fine. I'll go home, feed jishu, make him  sleep, arrange everything, put him into Tara Didi's care and see you in the hospital, as soon as possible. "

"If it's not too much to ask, please. I'll break without you"

"I'll be there shubi. And don't worry papa's going to be fine. Now go.. I'll see you soon"

We both left for our separate roads. I don't know why but my heart is beating so fast. The entire ride was silent but it wasn't peaceful at all. It's like a calm before the storm.





I reached to 'GILL MENSION'. Fed jishu, arranged everything like his food, diapers, clothes, formulas, etc. Thankfully my baby fell asleep the moment I fed him. I asked Taradidi to take care of him and call me immediately if anything happens. Taradidi is Gill's househelp. She's working with Gill's since shahneel's childhood. She was the trusted one.

I took our family car and drove to the hospital. The moment I reached there, shahneel ran to hug me, crying, devasted. Mom was the same.  I saw shubi standing in front of dad's hospital cabin. lost in zero. I reached to him and pat his shoulder. He flinched like a baby.

"Hows he?" I asked

"He is better. Atleast better than we Imagined. thankfully he jumped out of the car and  just his leg got fractured and he lost his consciousness because of shock. But what if...."

"Shhhhh.... He is fine, right?.. Bt how does it happened?"

"I've talked to the local police. His car got hit by another SUV. The driver left car there, and ran immediately after the accident. The number of that car was fake too. They said they'll soon recover the CCTV footage. It'll take some time though."

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