chapter 13

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I don't know what time it is or they are home or not, I'm just here trying to sleep and forget everything that happened today.

Suddenly something clicked. my bedroom's door opened but there was no sound of closing the door. I don't know why... But I guess I know who is there...

The smell of his fresh Cologne. Its HIM.

Why is he here now?

After a minute later I broke the silence.

" Do you have anything to say or you are just going to stand over there forever ?"

I asked without turning my head but still there is no answer from him.

Suddenly He closed the door and slowly climbed on bed behind me.

Why? Why is he doing this to me?

Just to ignore me again?

So frustrated I was about to turn when he slipped his hand from behind, placed it on my waist and slowly pulled me towards him to hug me. His head was touching my shoulder from behind. We stayed like that for a moment.

"We won the match, Jyotica." He said in a raspy voice.

"Congratulations" I replied.

"Thank you for being there And... s.. Sorry for what h.. Happened today. I know you are upset, Any wife will be, but it wasn't in my contr...."

I turned my face. Did he said sorry??



I was completing my sentence when she turned to face me.. Her eyes were glassy and swollen because of crying. Her hair were messy. Looking at me right in the eyes. God she is too pure and innocent for this world.

"You mean your apology right?" She asked with a pout on her face.

"Yeah" I replied.

"It's never gonna happen again right? " she asked like a baby .

" see The more you will give this your attention, the more its gonna mess with your brain. But I'll try not to entertain them from now on." I said.

She smiled like a baby And hugged me again. It was weird. A moment letter she pulled herself back. But not too back. Our eyes still glued to eachother. I don't know suddenly the atmosphere of the room is cold enough to send shivers to both of us.

We slowly Leaned towards eachother and our lips met. That kiss was slow but passionate. Her hand in my hair pulling me more towards her. When we both were out of breath we pulled back and I now started trailing kisses on her neck. She is warm. A little down I reached to her night dress's button. I looked up for permission and she nodded. I opened that button with my teeth, slowly unbuttoning her shirt and then unhooked her bra. She pulled my t-shirts from my head. She took an entire minute to admire my packs.

" Like what you see sweetheart? " I winked at her and she blushed.

Then I attacked on her nipples. And a slow moan escaped from her mouth. I devoured them, left marks on them, she was moaning Softly when I climbed out of bed and slipped my pants off and climbed on bed again.

I trailed kisses on her stomach which I'm sure was giving her butterflies. I slowly sliped my hand in her pants. I slowly took her night pants and panty off And looked up to her. God she is a work of art. I would love to worship her body forever. This is going to be a death of me for sure.

𝘔𝘳𝘴. 𝘉𝘺 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦Where stories live. Discover now