chapter 9

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As we reached to supermarket I covered myself properly. I've done this before so I'm not nervous at all. As soon as we reached there Jyotica took out a list from her pocket And I'm holding a trolly. Very carefully with serious expressions she is just looking for items, checking their price, expiry date and I was just following her like a baby. She look so beautiful whenever she is busy into something. She is putting item after item and I was just looking at her.

After we done shopping we paid the bill and now she took me to buy vegetables. IN A MARKET.. I MEAN A LOCAL MARKET.

The way she was bargaining with shopkeeper like a pro was a sight to see. I've veen living with this Girl for like five months now.. But she still never fails to make me surprise. I swear I've never imagined her buying vegetables from market like this. How domestic.  I was just staring at her and suddenly it started raining.... When we left sky was so clear and bright and now it was raining out of no where. We quickly ran towards our car. But we parked it so far. Till we reached to the car we were completely soaked. We sat in the car in hurry and put our bags on backseat. It was raining heavily, its impossible to drive in this situation so we waited.

When I looked beside me there she was completely soaked, wet hair, her white kurta soaked in water now completely see through stick to her curves. One raindrop slipped from her hair, to her face, to her neck and then lost in her cleavage. I gulped. And when I looked up I noticed  her eyes were following mine.

Weather was cold but suddenly there was heat in the air. See, this is the reason. Ever since we kissed, every moment alone with her make me feel tempt. I was just looking at her when our eyes locked and we both started leaning towards eachother and our lips touched. it was slow, gentle, we carefully handling eachother. when I put hand one her  breast and her eyes widened. I stopped. Maybe its too much, I was about to pull myself away when she...

She boldly took my right hand and placed on her Left breast. I was shocked. She was allowing me to touch her that way. "Can you please take off that mustache. Its weird" she said and i removed it.

Without wasting a second I pulled her towards me. Now she is sitting on my Lap and we are sucking eachother's mouth roughly like our life depends on it. Her hands in my hair and my mouth was lost in her neck giving her kisses and marks. I can feel her trembling on my Lap. She kissing my face. We both devouring each other like there's no tomorrow. Slowly I slipped my hand in her top. Her breath hitch. From stomach to her boobs. Her soft skin was already wet. We both were staring at eachother's eyes when I took one bud of her between my thumb and fore finger and started carrassing it. She moaned. And when she moved a little I took that chance to see my Junior Gill. He was painfully hard in my pants. I guess she understood because next moment We are grinding on eachother. We were breathing heavily. Completely clothed but still moving in the same sync. Her face was mess. My mess. And only I can see that look on her face.. No one can. Punching the guy in that club suddenly making sense now.

 At this point We both were moaning mess. I've had sex before  but this make out session is way more intense than anything I've ever experienced. I was about to open her top's button when suddenly...


We looked back and there was few cars waiting us to start. Rain has stopped too. We looked at each other and she slowly slipped off me to her own seat And then we hit a road.

Journey way back home was heavy. We both were breathing heavily but neither of us said a single word. We reached home and went to our separate bedrooms.



I.. I was never like this.

I have never even once had this kind of feelings for someone.  24 fucking years of my life. And now I just can't get enough of him. A person whom I know for five months more or less but.. I was never this desparate. In car we were all over eachother but as soon as we got home, we went to our own bedrooms like nothing happened.

This feeling is killing me from inside. I'm yearning for my Husband. My HUSBAND..  I know the situation we got married but i want him to look at me the way I look at him. Not just a physical attraction, I WANT HIM TO LOVE ME TOO.. Why am I like this....? And why am I crying..???

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