chapter 19

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I woke up next morning with swollen eyes and with major headache. I wish last night to be just a dream. But no.. It was bitter truth.. A fact.

I didn't get out of my bedroom the whole day nor he tried to see what I was doing.




Its been two days for THAT talk. I didn't even seen him after that. He didn't come home either. Just Sometimes, in the middle of the night to take his belongings. but zero interaction with me. No texts, no calls nothing...





Its Thursday..  I was at my office. Working.. Trying to keep myself busy from unwanted thoughts. Distracting myself from them. Suddenly My phone beeped.. It was a text from 'HIM'. Why my heart is beating so fast after reading his Name ?? I sighed and opened the text, it says,

" Did you talked to your parents? About Divorce i mean.. "

Impatient aren't we? He just wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible so he can marry 'HER'.

"Not yet. I'll do it tonight. Did you discussed with yours?" I replied.

"Yes. I talked to my mom. She gave it a green signal. you talk to your parents so will proceed as soon as possible. "

Wow..  He is not even hiding it. Is that a true face of  'THE Shubman Gill'? If he's getting any sadistic pleasure by hurting me, let it be. I always wanna see this guy happy so I'll give him this happiness.


I reached home. Its been 45 minutes I've been staring at my phone to call my parents. I know The plans they had for my future, Dream of my happy marital Life and now what  i was gonna tell them was going to break their Heart. But I also Hope they'll understand.

God why is it so Tough?

With shaky hands i took phone dialed my father's number.

In one breath i told him everything.

Some lies like there is no THIRD person is involved and some truth like he Never had any FEELINGS for me.

Papa wanted to be here with me but i promised Him as soon as I'm over this divorce thing I'll visit them in Chandigarh and ofcourse took a promise from him not to say a single word to Gill's. Fortunately He agreed.

I text his approval to shubman.

ME: I talked to my papa. He agreed. So you can proceed.

SHUBMAN : ok. I have a close Lawyer friend whom i told everything and he agreed to help us out. All we need is your signatures. Is SUNDAY ok?

ME: Let's do it Tomorrow.

( he took a long pause and then replied )

SHUBMAN : cool. 10 am. in my study.

I didn't replied anything after that. The stress is too much. Enough to make me mentally, emotionally and physically tired. I cant wait till sunday now. Let's get over it as soon as possible



I didnt got out of my room since morning so I don't know who entered in the house. But at sharp 10 am I knocked on the door of his study. I turned the doorknob and entered.

There was a huge office table in the middle of the room. His lawyer was there. And about HIM. He was at the second side of the table, looking at us. I'm seeing him after almost a week later. I was looking at everywhere but him. his lawyer slipped some papers infront of me And start explaining the procedure.

Lawyer:" Mr. Gill has explained me about situation and has already signed on them. All i need is your signature and then I'll submit this papers to the family court. Since you both are willing to get divorce its going to be smooth. If you hav......."

He was explaining me everything but I was just staring at those papers. My mind was elsewhere.

7 months ago I didn't even know I'll be here. one fucking call from papa changed my whole life...

And now here I am seating  with pen in my right hand and Divorce papers right in front of me.. and my husband stood there on second side of table, staring at me with the same zero expression he had the day we got married..

my hand was shaking.  I was getting flashbacks from last 7 months when I heard Lawyer calling my name.

"Mrs. Gill?.... Mrs. Gill..."

"It's miss Sharma." I corrected

I was about to sign on those papers when he asked " Miss are you sure, you want nothing as a Divorce alimony? I mean mr. Gill is willing to give you a house and some shares of  companies he have invested."

"Me marrying him for money was never part of this deal. So No." I gave him the straight answer.

I signed on those papers with shaky hands.

Lawyer took those papers, said something to shubman and left us to talk.


Silence was the only thing alive in that room. The tension was unbearable. I was about to stood up from the chair when he said..

" are you out of your Mind? Why aren't you taking anything with you?"

This time he is directly staring at my eyes. All i can see is uneasiness.


Isn't he happy that im willing to end this without any drama?
Or he wanted to see me cry in front of him to not to leave me.... Why?

" Im not taking anything with me.
Yaha Mera pati hi mera nhi raha, toh uske property ka main kya karu ?"

The moment I said that I saw his expression changed but he covered it the next second and dashed out of that room...

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