chapter 21

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Two months later.


It's been two months. Since the Divorce. Since she left. And here am I standing in my balcony in Cold air, dark night with a fuming cigarette in my hand.

I don't come here lately. This apartment. I  spend most of my nights  in Ishan's or abhishek's room. It's better because every time i come here the silence and lots of memories crashed right in front of my eyes.

Alcohol  is been my partner lately. I didn't met sara after that whole Party Thing nor she tried to contact. I know she don't care. But Then why did she put all of that proposal act?

Tommorow i have a very important meeting regarding ICT world cup And that's the only reason I'm sober otherwise every night i get drunk like a madman. I've been causing alot of trouble to my friends too. I can see the worry in their eyes. But can't help it. Alcohol is the only thing makes me believe that she's still with me. I wish i can stay drunk for the rest of my life...

She vanished from my life like she never existed. Like she was just a dream. A beautiful Dream. It's been two months already.

Multiple time i got myself dialing her number but it was out of netwok area all the time. I send her multiple texts but got no reply. A month later I finally start looking for her. Not to bother her I swear. I'll just see her from afar. Once I see her doing good in her life, my life will get back on the track too.

I asked my manager to do some inquiry about Jyotica sharma. Weeks later he came back with zero information. I tried to call her parents but they never received any of my calls.

Now i seriously started getting worried...

Where the hell is she??

Is she ok??



Well it's been two months. Since I got Divorced, since I got out of that apartment.

The toughest two months of my life.

Well. I am pregnant.

I got to know about my pregnancy exactly after that Infamous "Divorce Talk". I Was already a month pregnant at that time.

I was so tired, weak and nauseous all the time. I thought it all happened because of stress but No, and being pregnant was the least expected.

I wanted to tell him but He was so eager to get rid of me so tying him with me using this pregnancy seemed unfair to me.

After I moved out I went to the apartment my company has offered to me. But mumbai was not an easy city for me. I got to know this city because of HIM. I first time came here with HIM. Not to mention the fact that he is everywhere.

On magazines, award functions, Holdings everywhere.

I lived there for entire one month. But it was unbearable so I applied for overseas transfer, took leaves and went to see my parents.





The moment my mother saw me she crushed me in a tight hug. Nothing was going right in my life but i can't show that to my parents. I was pretending to be fine in front of them. I Explained them everything. Except my pregnancy ofcourse. Otherwise they'll never let me go.

My father was Angry on Gill's. But i told him not to. They were never mean to me. Not even once. They did treat me like their daughter. So there's no point of getting angry or upset of them.

I lived with my parents for two weeks.

Suddenly one morning Shahneel was at our doorstep.

I don't know what happened or how she found out but the moment i saw her i ran to hug her tightly. She was like a sister to me. The façade i built infront of my parents that broke completely. She took me to my room where she hugged me again and I let go all my sorrows in that hug. After long session of crying I told her that i aplied for overseas transfer. We had a long talk over what happened from last 7 months. God.. I was dying to talk to someone. When she was about to leave I took a promise from her that She'll never mention this to her brother and She agreed.

After that my transfer application got approved and right now I'm in MELBOURNE, Australia.




Well Australia is also a Cricket country too. But their world don't revolve around shubman Gill so it was breathable.

It's been 15 days I'm here. Got a Decent apartment. my new colleagues seems to be very friendly and supportive too.

Just my life is full of doctors and medicines now. God I hate medicines.

I'm at my first trimester yet so my belly isn't showing. Wake up, have breakfast, get ready for work, office, then have dinner and Lot's of medicines is my new schedule..

And about 'HIM'.
NO, I don't miss him at all.

Why would I?

I don't miss him.

No. Not Even when i continue feel like vomiting and no one's there to take care of me,

not when i feel nauseous the entire day,

not when i can't sleep at cold nights because no one's there to hold me,

Not when i go to my checkups and see all of the pregnant lady's getting hold by their Husband.

Not when Doctor ask me about the father of my child...

I don't miss him at all.

But why can't I hate him? I want to hate him. Its been two months already, why can't i get him out of my fucking mind. Maybe its because of the baby or my stupid Harmons. I know I'll get over it soon...

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