chapter 18

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She saw it all...

The moment she left i turned to follow her but suddenly Sara hold my forearm to click picture with me. I again looked at gate and She was gone like she was never never there.

I was blank for a while. Everyone was congratulating us and all I was doing is nodding at them. After some time i told sara that i was tired and need some rest and i left. I drove back to home. When i reached to my apartment i parked my car but I didn't get out of it. I know this time I fucked up beyond limit.

This is the time I needed to take some decisions before facing her. This is not right.

I hurt her Again. My heart sinks everytime i see her cry because of me. She didn't even asked to be a part of this mess. Ever Since we got married the only person was getting hurt constantly was she. Since day one she is the one putting efforts in this relationship. I know Living with me wasn't easy for her too but she tried to adjust. She took care of me just like my grandma used to do. But what she got.. I remembered my mother's words,

"A woman might tolerate her husband being a big time Alcoholic but she will never ever tolerate another woman in his life. Never. "

And today she saw me with another women. She don't deserve to be with someone like me.

We're married for 7 months now. Not even once she asked or make demand for anything. She accepted whatever i was willing to offer, never complaint, never got angry on me, never. But that doesn't mean she never had any expectations from this marriage. Our marriage was way more different than normal marriages.

If she wasn't evolved with me in this marriage she might've met a nice guy who actually deserve her and will keep her happy just the way she deserve. He would've treat her just the way she should be treated. I know i never gave her the love she deserve. I've seen it in her eyes. The urge to hold me everytime i leave home. She loves me, i know that. But this love will always give her tears and pain.

Its time for me to take my Dicision and The conclusion of everything was just one.


I got out of car. it was 1:30 am. I opened door with my keycard and to my surprise lights of my apartment was on. I entered in the house and looked around. there she was sitting on a couch with blank, pale face. The moment i appeared in front of her she looked up. Her swollen eyes were the proof of how pained she is. She divert her Gaze from me. When I sat on couch right in front of her, she stood up and about to enter in her bedroom when i stopped her.

" I want to have a word with you" i said and was treated with silence.

" I know what you saw today must've hurt you alot" i said again and was again treated with silence.




"LET'S GET DIVORCE " I said it. I fucking said it.

Her back was facing me but the moment i said those three words she quickly turned.

She wasn't expecting that. Was she? But she didn't said anything.

After a moment of silence i said again.

" This is the only way we can get out of this. You saw what happened today right. Sara and I are together from last 4 years. Marrying her was my dream. Being with her is going to boost my career and public Image.

You understand that right??

I know it was Daima's wish. We promised her and we tried to adjust, but it didn't worked. Thankfully no one knows about this wedding. So you can go back to your old life and I'll go to mine. "


"Love is just a feeling Jyotica. " I replied

For a moment she didn't said anything. All she was doing is to look at me with disbelief. After minutes of silence she said...

" let's talk to our parents about this. If they agreed, I'LL SIGN THE PAPERS. " and after saying that she didn't wait for another second and dashed to her room.


I should feel relieved right?? But why do I feel uneasy? She said she will sign on divorce papers. So why am i not Happy? I had to take the Cruelest Decision. After this every thing will get back to normal. Everything.

I Know she nust be crying right now,  but don't worry sweetheart, that will be the last time you are crying because of me...





I saw it all.... I saw him kissing her... I saw the ring on his finger which didn't belong to me. So all those chants, those rumors were true. They were really dating. They were dating  the whole time we were married. They've been together for 4 years, so technically I am the other women.

I don't even know how to react on this situation. When he came home there was a slight hope, that he will say sorry... He'll apologize. Isn't he always do that. He mess up and then he say sorry. I've made my mind, the moment he'll apologize I'll ask him to cut all ties with her.. He'll listen to me right? I'm his wife after all.. Right??

But i was wrong.

"Let's get divorced" he said.

How can He say those words this easily. Was last 7 months were nothing for him?? He is right though. Marrying sara is definately good for his career. But then what about me??

If she was that important for him then why did he agreed to marry me on the first place? Why ruined my Life??


I actually thought i started to get to know him, But it turned out, i don't know him at all. His eyes were empty. Everytime he used to look at me they were full of emotions. They are empty now. He is turning his back on me.

At this point i want to get on my knees and cry for him.. I wanted to beg him not to leave me. I wanted to tell him not to leave me like this..not to turn his back on me like this.

But NO...

I will not do that. I... I will never ever beg for Love. I might survive without SHUBMAN GILL, but I will never live without my "SELF RESPECT."


He want divorce right. I'll give him what he wants.

" let's talk to our parents about this. If they agreed, I'LL SIGN THE PAPERS. " i said, and went in the bedroom.


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