chapter 6

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I soon resumed my office. I leave for my office early so i just manage to make breakfast for us. We see each other on dinner everyday. We exchanged numbers for emergency purpose.


Shit... shit... shit.  I'm late again. It's 9:30 and I was supposed to reach for practice at 9'o clock sharp. I'm so careless and irresponsible in my life, how my grandmother even thought I was  responsible enough to get married. (Chuckled )

I was tyding and collecting my things when I saw there was a plate on my dinning table, covered with another plate along with a note...

"Im sorry I didnt find anything. So I made this with few things you had in your freeze. : )"

It was a Sandwich. Dude I was always late so I often skip my breakfast.




Ummm it's tasty too..

She indeed have a taste in her hand. How can a simple sandwich taste so good... Or Maybe im just hungry..

I ate sandwiches she made for me and left for practice.



Days been going pretty fast and peaceful. A month has already passed. My work in mumbai going smoother than I expected. I wake up, Make breakfast for us, leave for work, at evening he used to update me about he is going to be in for dinner or not. If yes then we used to cook dinner alternate days or sometimes order in.. This is how my new scheduled look like. In other words, we're living like roommates now. I guess its better this way.

Just like today, At 6:15 when I was about to leave from office. I got whatsapp from him. Telling me that 'he won't be In for dinner'.

"👍" I replied.

When I was busy replying him, Someone pat on my shoulder.. It was Neha, she is an intern here.

Basically my colleagues were going to the club tonight so they were asking me to join them. I was new here so they just want me to be comfortable with them.

It was saturday anyway so i said "YES."

At 8'o clock they pick me up from my place. I wore black knee length dress. With a long cut on thigh. it was backless but my long hair covered my back well.. It was going well with my heels and diamond earrings. That dress fit on my waist like it was tailored for me.

'God when I look Good... I feel Good'

"Dude you look awesome" neha said.

Not her fault , they've always seen me in formals.

We entered in club it was one of the most famous club of the town. We settled on a table. I started looking around.

Loud Music, fancy lights, drunk people, Shubman, people dancing everywhere.


I turned again and yes, it was shubman. Staring at me with wide eyes. When he noticed that I was looking at him, he simply just turned his head.

What the Fuck is he doing here?.....

𝘔𝘳𝘴. 𝘉𝘺 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦Where stories live. Discover now