chapter 34

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My mom took our baby boy home with them. So now it's just ME and SHE.

We lied on the bed together, in eachother's arms, kissing eachother and pulling everytime we feel out of breath, just to kiss eachother again.

We can't go further. I.. I know we need to stop. Before it gets out of control.

Having her so close to me just making me hard more and more. I want her... I wanna have her... But not in some hospital room. No. A Big NO.

Somewhere she knows that too. We pulled away. Both breathing heavy. We took a proper look at eachother's messy faces and suddenly both of us burst into Laughter. We both are so foolishly desparate for each other.

"I love you". I said looking in her eyes.

"It's almost more than 100 times you've said this to me since yesterday"

"Yeah and I'm gonna say that again...
I love you." I said and pecked her again.

Control...... How can i? when she is here, in my arms... tempting.

Deep down Inside I know we have many things to sort, so many things to talk about, I can see the urge of asking questions in her eyes..  We lied there in for a while when she broke the silence with the most expected question.

"Shubi... Can I ask something? I mean I know i might be ruining the atmosphere right now but i need to ask you this.... What about 'Sara'? Are you guys stil...."

"No we're not"

I sigh and  pecked her forehead again. But She wasn't satisfied with that answer, i know that. I can see the uneasiness in her eyes. I need to clear this. I have to. She needs to know. She deserves to know.

"Honestly.. Jyotica..I.. I had  Major crush on her.. For a very long period of time. The moment I saw her, i fell in love with her.. Her brother and i used to practice together, so she was always around. At first I thought She was everything i was looking for. Soon I proposed her and gladly she said 'yes'. I was over the moon. I was so happy but exactly a week later she moved to London, For further studies.

You know what, we had very different personalities. We're together for 4 years but it was completely long distance. I remember taking time out of my practice hours to text her and still not getting reply for days. I remember those sleepless nights I've spend waiting for a call. I soon realised the I mistaken   attraction for love. She wasn't wrong jyotica, but our ideas of dating were very different. I soon got used to her absence. The only time she used to contact when she's in India. That too for a parties, that's it.

And them you came along, my fate had completely different plans for me. You were everything i was seeking for. Finally a person who's putting efforts to be with me. A person who cooks for me. Care for me. Our lifestyles were same. I couldn't help but to fall in love with you.

I... I know it might sound very wrong but all of those moments we shared together, i... Wasn't faking it. I... I did liked spending time with you.

That entire Divorce thing was the stupidest decision I've ever taken, i swear. Even after you left i found myself in your room multiple times, looking for you, crying. I started missing you the moment i found that you moved out of our house. A month later I finally started looking for you jyotica. I hired some people, told my manager to do some equiry about Jyotica sharma. But you weren't there. I had completely lost it for some months. You know, it was so serious that Ishan had to call shahneel to tell her about my condition. Shahneel told me that she met you in Chandigarh. She told me about your state too. You weren't happy either. That was my last straw. I needed to have you back anyhow.  We immediately left for Chandigarh to see your parents. On our way there, i texted sara about breaking up. You know when i did it, I felt like someone had lifted heavy burden off my shoulders. I was relieved. Although i didn't got any reply, but you know a week later she got in a relationship with Mayank Markande. She posted about it on Instagram.  she found her 'the One'.

So.. Baby.. I .... I know what you might be thinking.... But one thing I'm very sure.. That this sara person is never going to get between us, never again. It's a promise" I said.

She was just looking at me for my entire monologue. When I completed, the small "thank you" left her lips. She was relieved. I can see that on her face.

"I'm so so so in love with my wife... That even the thought of another women  feels like a sin. How did you managed to make me fall for you that easily? Hm?" I said smiling like a fool.

"Well FYI mr. Gill. Right now you're laying on a bed with another women. You know. I'm not your wife anymore." She said bring mischievous.

"You little vixen. That shitty piece of paper can not define my love for you.. Understand?."

"Well talking about papers. We still haven't decide our baby's name, did we?" She said putting a point.

"Yeah.. I mean i was waiting for you to wake up but after that, this worldcup and thing.... We need to decided something soon.. Before your discharge."

She nodded in agreement. "Yeah.. But the name has to be li'll unick. You know Something meaningful yet define both of Our names. "

With the speed of a light we started finding a suitable name for our champ.

We both took our phones out and start looking for a name.....

a minute later Jyotica screamed out of nowhere.


"Jishaan.. shubi..  How about Jishaan..?"

"Yeah.. Its.. Its good.. What does that mean?.." I asked.

"It means.. Clever and Calm.." She replied.

" yeah... I mean i don't know about clever but he is Calm... Yeah... Jishaan... J for jyotica  and Sh for Shubman... Yeah... Jishaan it is... "

"Jishaan Shubman Gill....."

"Yeah that's sounds perfect." I said and hugged her again..

"Tomorrow before your discharge, we'll put this name on his birth certificate.. And after that soon we'll leave for Mumbai... Ok?" I asked.

"OK" she replied.










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