Chapter 1

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I'll try not to make y/n weird or something (you are 17 years old)

-the day before you got expelled from you old school-

you were walking to your next class until you enemy (Keyla) went to you
"bitch did you fuck my boyfriend" you got confused about this "what?" "you fucked my boyfriend my best friend told me" "shit never happen, it's your problem not mine"
she pushed you to the wall then you looked at her wanted to slap the shit out of her
"you fucking lying" you pushed her back forcefully while people were around you
"bitch you better not touch me again!" she slapped your left cheek then you punched her jawline
"I didn't fucked your guy he's fucking ugly! just like you! he fucking cheating on you bitch!"
"no, the fuck his not!" she punched your nose that when you had enough you grabbed her hair then throw her into a wall kicking her stomach the principle got you away from her then looked at you
"go to my office right now!" everyone looked at you but the girl looked at you bleeding from her face

-at the office-

"y/n! why did you fight keyla!" he screamed at you acting like it was your fault
"she punched me first! also I wasn't the one who started that fight!"
"that's not an excuse, your out of this school and we are calling your mom!"

your pov
"bro what the fuck! I swear if I see her ass again I'll beta the living shut out of her! well I'm gonna get yelled at the second I step into that house."
you didn't cared since your parents never cared about you was just alcoholic and abused you a lot you were just scared if they just hit you again since you had scars on your arms because of them
-end of pov-

-time skipped-

you were walking back to your house when you got dropped off by a friend you notice your stuff outside that's when you knew they knew you got expelled
so the second you walked in the house the looked at you
"hey mom, hey dad."
"sit down right now." you knew what was happening so you didn't want to argue with them. so when you sat down they slammed the table
"why the fuck did you got expelled!" "it's not my fault it was-" "shut the fuck up!" "me and your father don't want to fucking hear it." you got mad so you just stayed quiet
"me and your mother putted you to a school that will actually help you."
"so what about it?" "it means your going alone!"
"what the fuck!" "you can't just make me do that!"
"your lucky we are talking it out." "so your going alone and your moving first thing in the morning but your starting school in 2 weeks since they need to talk with us." "so go pack your shit, we are even glad we are not gonna see you again."
"what?" "am I gonna stay?"
"your staying in the apartment by yourself." "but your staying for free, since they paid for it"
"now get out of our slights, we don't even want to look at you"

-in your room-

your friends called you you answered

"hey I heard you got expelled is that true?" "yeah it's true" "damn but Keyla should have been expelled since she's a fucking slut" "nah for real but this school doesn't make since, I gotta go I'll miss you guys"
"we will as well, take care" "bye!" "bye"
you hanged up so you just stayed in your room for a while after a while you started packing so you can move out the first thing in the morning but your glad since you been living this hell when you were 8 years old remember all your tears, your scars at night, and your bruises when your parents are alcoholic or when they abused you when they felt like it.

-time skipped-

in the morning you got your bag then you saw the principal from the new school your going to be helped you with your stuff then you sat in the front
the drive way was quiet but when you went to your apartment you got your stuff inside then he looked at you
"ok, here's your schedule. your class will mostly be with "Baldi."
you nodded but got confused when you hear "Baldi"
"who's that?" "He's a math teacher, we are friends"
"see you Monday."
"yeah see you monday"

-time skipped-

your pov
you were not ready for your new school since you just want to drop out ghost everyone, delete social media, block everyone, and just want to go missing.
at the night you just cried yourself to sleep so you can not relive the thoughts you thinking about again
-the next day/your pov is over-

you woke up you check the time and realized you were late you panic putted on jeans with a long shirts with a black jacket.
you ran to the school as you were late you bumped into someone you didn't wanted to talk
"hey watch it!" you looked but realized it was a teacher you got shocked but you saw a bald teacher with a green shirt, blue jeans, and you saw pretty black eyes on them
"oh crap my bad, I didn't knew you were a teacher"
"no worries, it's fine I was looking for a student named y/n" you got embarrassed but didn't cared about this shitty school
"that will be me" "oh next time don't be late come on I'll show you to your class"
"what's your name" "why?" "well your my teacher right?" "might as well tell me your name right?"
"Baldi Baldimore nice to met you"
"same goes for you"

-Baldi's pov-

I was walking down to find the student until I found a girl that's as running I tried to move away from her until I bumped into them. I got dizzy until I saw her jeans and nice shirt she looked pretty but I don't even know if she's the student. I saw her arms scars worrying about her what going on with her but when she told me she was the student I nodded but felt
like she's might doing something to herself.
but she's quiet and rude so I might just talk to the principal to this

Pov over

"can you talk to me after class?" I got worried what he will want from me
"for what?" "just to talk about something" "oh alright then"

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