Chapter 8

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-the time during the party-

you,Tracy,Anthony and playtime went to the party you guys were excited about this so you guys find a table to sit down it was a place it was mostly quiet so but y'all could still hear the loud music up ahead

"we should get food!"
"that's not a bad idea playtime!"
"of course you want food."
"shut it Anthony, you be wanting it as well if you haven't ate."

you were laughing when Tracy said that then you felt someone falling down infront of you, you open your eyes seeing baldi intop of you
your cheeks were red and tried to get up since you were embarrassed because of it

"oh crap sorry y/n!" Baldi helped you up being embarrassed and blushing
"fucking the bully pushed me to you so sorry about that." You notice the bully giving you a look before walking away
"so I'll see you around?" Baldi looked at you
"yeah, see you then"

You walked back to Tracy then she gave you a look that you knew she saw everything

"so you and baldi?" She smirked to you shipping YAll together

you were blushing then tried not let her think about that

"what!" "no,no,no, he's like a grown man, and that's a no,no"
"then why are you blushing" Tracy teased you then you blushed hard
"ok fine!" "I'll tell you the truth but promise you won't tell anyone?"  Tracy gave you a picky promise
"I promise" Tracy looked at you smiling

you sighed wondering how this gonna go but you just told the truth

"ok I do like him,but I'm trying to like  pass the class since I know I have a good grade but, I'm just trying to focus on me then just crushes.

Tracy nodded then looked at you understanding how you felt then smiled

"I understand, that happing to me actually." Tracy looked at you

"what?" You looked at her confused
"yeah uhm, to be honest I have a crush on Anthony for a while but I really want to date him but if I ask him that'll ruin our friendship and this group so I don't want to do that." You nodded

"Come on this is a party let's have fun!" You got Tracy excited again

she smile then you had had loads of fun but when it was a slow dance Tracy was dancing with Anthony after a while she walked to you and excited

"what he say?" You asked
"he just his not ready for a relationship but he said we can still be friends" you nodded then gave her a pat on the shoulder
"maybes it for the best" Tracy smile then gave you this look 😏
"look baldi go and dance with him"

You shook your head but after a while when Tracy begged you to do it you gave in then walked up to him

Baldi saw this then looked at you

"yes y/n?" He asked looking at you
you got a bit nervous but took a deep breath

"so baldi do you-

everyone heard gunshots and stabbing so when everyone heard it they were screaming then baldi got you, Tracy,Anthony,playtime, The Bully and 3 Radom kids then when he heard more noise coming he close the door then locked it

"umm what's going on mr baldi?" Playtime got nervous but you hugged her for comfort
"I don't know playtime,but we should stay here until further notice."

everyone nodded then y'all realized you guys were in baldi's office

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