Chapter 16

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The day before school

You and playtime was relaxing in yalls room playtime was reading and you were on your phone doing nothing then when you hear a knock on the door you opened it seeing baldi then you got scared

"Don't worry it's me." Baldi waved

"What are you doing here don't you have to do your job and shit?" You asked but he nodded

"Then why are you here then?" You asked

"Oh I'm here because you forgot this in the school." He hand your favorite jacket in the school then you looked at him

"Oh, I forgot I had this jacket..." you licked your bottom lip

"Really?" Baldi asked

You nodded then you smiled at him

"But thanks for giving it back to me, I really appreciate it."

"It's at-least I could do but I'll see you tomorrow right?" Baldi looked at you smiling

"Yeah, but tell me the names of the new people in our school."

"Uhm no I'm not gonna tell you that's for you to find out."  You looked at him

"Bro tell me!!" You begged

"Nope." Baldi did not want you to find out who was the names

"Ok fine I give up but what grade they are in?" You asked

"Uhm many of then is in 10th grade one of them is in 8th and one is on the same grade as you are." You nodded

"So, see you tomorrow?" Baldi asked

"See you." You nodded

After that baldi kissed your cheek then hugged you smiling

"Love you."
"Love you to"

Baldi left the window then you went back what you were doing then after a while Playtime walked in with apple slices on her hand with a plate then she went to you offering you some then you took 2

"Thanks!!" You said

Playtime smiled then nodded and yall shared then you guys watched YouTube for abit

"So you know the names in the new kids?" Playtime asked
"Not really, but we will find out tomorrow right?" Playtime agreeing with you then yall went to sleep around 12 in the morning

-the next day-

When playtime woke up first it was 10:20 in the morning then she got shocked then tried to wake up up then tried to wake up up but realized you are a deep sleeper so she got cold water then splashed on your face

After that you woke up with cold water on your face then you saw playtime with a glass knowing
It was her

"Bro why you splash water on me?"
"I'm all wet!"

Playtime got the clock seeing the time now 10:45 in the morning realizing it's 10:45 you got shocked you and her was 3 hours late then stayed changed into your old school jersey uniform number shirt (the jersey number is 27)

Then you putted with on grey sweatpants then straighten your hair as quickly you could the time was 11:00 am then you and playtime run to school as fast you could

Y'all  got tired since it was 10 minute run but when y'all arrived seeing a new principle

"hi girls why are you so late all of a sudden?"
"Oh sorry we woke up late but we need go to our class" playtime said
"Ok then but what is y'all's names so I can know." The principle asked
"My name is y/n"

The principal nodded then walked away so he can see if more students went out of the class so you and playtime went to the class knocking seeing no one

You and playtime got confused but y'all walked around seeing people at lunch so you went to your friend group sitting down

"Hey y'all!!" Tracy said
"Heyy" Liv siad
"Why yall were so late?" Tracy asked
"Oh we didn't knew the time and we woke up pretty late." Playtime said
"Well I can't blame you since I've would have done the same thing." Evie said

You chuckled then you guys had alot more things to talk about

After lunch y'all went back to class baldi was there being confused then he went up to you and playtime

"Uhm why you and playtime are here?" Baldi asked
"Oh uhm sorry, me and playtime got woken up late" baldi got frustrated sighing

"How?" Baldi asked
"We didn't had an alarm in place." Baldi nodded
"But I'll the new kid is here so I'll let them introduce you to them" baldi nodded then you and baldi hugged then left to go to class

When you, Tracy and playtime was talking so me Liv and Evie is not in the same class as y'all but when baldi got the new kid it was a guy named Jayden then he waved then you waved back

"Hey I'm Jayden."
"I'm y/n."
"Wait how is your name playtime?" Jayden asked
"Not cool dude" you said
"Well come on Jayden I need you to get full thing in ready before you can continue with us during lesson"

Jayden nodded then went with baldi playtime was blushing you notice then smirked at her

"Ohhhhh you like himmmm" you teased

Playtime nodded then chuckled

"Yeah but don't tell ok?"
"I won't." She smiled

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