Chapter 15

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The next day playtime woke you up then she got happy you woke up seeing the time it was 6:30 am and you got tired

"Playtime it's 6:30 in the morning.." you groan ribbing your eyes
"I know y/n but I had a nightmare and I didn't knew what to do!" You nodded
"Well, come sit by me in my bed so we can talk about it then." Playtime nodded then did what you told her

As she was sitting down you looked at you yawning because you were tired and looked shit with your hair messy, your bed sheets all messed up and your favorite things on the floor

"Ok playtime, tell me what happen in your dream?" You asked
"I had a dream that everything that happen to us before of the shooting and it will happen again and we will we're dead!" You hugged her for comfort

"None of that will happen just don't think about it for much, ok?" Playtime nodded then smiled at you
"Thank you.." you nodded
"It's what I'm here for."
"Well can I hang out here with you?"
"Uhm playtime my tired ass is going back to sleep, good night." You went back to sleep

Playtime gave you a weird look but she got your remote to watch so tv in your room but turn the volume down so you can sleep longer

Moments later it was almost 8:20 on the morning so playtime got out of the room and was making egg and cheese with sausage until you wake up

At 9:00 am you woke up started to brush your teeth then you went to the kitchen seeing playtime there making breakfast you went to her to see what she was making

"Morning playtime."
"Morning how was your long freakin nap!" She teased you but you chuckled
"It's fine, but you made all of these?"
"Yeah I did and I also made some for you, because you helped me." You smiled then hugged her
"Thank you, your so kind." You and playtime smiled but both of y'all broke the hug away

"Come on, let's go and watch "The Amazing World Of Gumball" you nodded then you and playtime took your food then went to the living room

"You want something to drink?" Playtime nodded then you went to the fridge
"What you want?"
"Uhm Apple juice please?" You nodded then taking it out giving it to her

As y'all were finishing the 4th season you heard a knock on the door you went to go and open it to see Tracy there

"Heyy Tracy!!" You hugged her and playtime did the same thing after a while y'all pulled away
"So have you been?"
"I've been good and you y/n?"
"I'm alright." Tracy nodded
"But I'm here for something."
"What is it?"
"So in next week we will have new students and a new principle to go with it, and our school will continue on Tuesday"

You groan frustrated then pulled your hair back

"But why we have to...."
"I know right?" Tracy agreeing with you

Playtime looked at you and Tracy but was like kinda happy that it will happen next week to see new people and principal

"But Uhm guys cheer up!!" Playtime trying to encourage you and Tracy
"Maybe those people will be new people and can do made things with it!"

You and Tracy nodded then agreeing with playtime

"Yeah probably, but you know the names Tracy?" You asked
"Uhm no i don't, because they are not here yet they might come the day when school is tomorrow I don't really know." You nodded
"See you later Tracy!!" Playtime said
"Bye y'all!" Tracy left

-where baldi hired the new principal-

At 6:50 am there were people people wanted to work here and they were not good enough to do so after a while he saw a other guy

"Hello I'm here for the job?"
"Uhm yeah take a seat.." baldi told him to do

Baldi got a record book of what the guy might do and was reading it

"Ok so your name is "Francis Kennedy" really nice name."

"Oh thank you!"

"Ok so it saids you went to university collage really good, and you got a 4.0 gpa really good, so tell me why you wanna work here at my school?"

"We'll im am a good principle I was wanting to become a teacher but wanted to do something else." Baldi nodded taking notes

"But what is your school rules?" Francis asked
"The rules I have is
"No Running"
"No entering school factories"
"No Eating"
"No Drinking"
"No escaping detention"
"No fourth wall breaks"
"No Stabbing People With Pencils"

"So can you fit in this job?" Baldi asked
Francis nodded

"Great!" Baldi hold his hand to shake them Francis did the same

"Your hired!" Francis smiled

"Ok when do I start my first day?" Francis asked
"Uhm you'll started on Tuesday, since we need to know some new students before we can work"

Francis nodded then he got out being happy he got this job

-end of what happen-

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