Chapter 9

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everyone one looked around baldis office since only some people only been here mostly employees

"the fuck?" Tracy was looking around wondering what's going on
"mr baldi what is this?" playtime looked at him confused
"I don't know playtime, but let's stay here until notice"

everyone nodded then after a while at around 12 A.M
everyone that was in the room was sitting around
the floor so you, Anthony,Tracy and playtime was sitting next to each other.
after a while the rest of the people that were in the room sat around you.Anthony,Tracy and playtime

"so what you guys were doing before all of this happen?" a random girl was wondering what was happening
"I was at where everyone was dancing." playtime told her
"I was gonna ask someone if they wanted to dance." You answered after playtime answered
"who was it y/n?" Anthony asked
"don't worry about it." you looked at him
"I was watching y/n about to ask someone to go and dance with her" Tracy answered
"Tracy who y/n was gonna ask, because none of y'all tell me anything." Anthony got confused and wondering
"I'm not gonna tell you."
"PLEASE TELL MEE Y/N!!" Anthony begged
"playtime wants to know right playtime?" playtime looked at him weird

"Uhm no I do not." Playtime moved next to the bully since Anthony was being weird
"but if she likes someone let her keep that secret don't just fucking force her shit." Tracy nodded and smiled at her

"hey what's y'all's names?" You questioned since you don't see them in your life before

"my name is Liv, I'm in the other class but I'm the same grade as y'all." Everyone nodded

"my name is Lucas, I'm in a grade below you" (your in 12th grade)

"And you?" Tracy looked at the last person

"oh my name is Evie, I'm in 9th grade" you got confused

"I thought only 10th grade and up Can only come here?" You looked at her suspicious

"the only reason I was there is because my dumbass sister has short-loss memory so I had to be there, mostly I was just on my phone" you nodded

After a while baldi came in sitting next to you, he was looking at you but you acted you didn't noticed it

"so what you guys are talking about?" Baldi asked
"just getting to know each other" Liv told him

baldi nodded but after a while everyone was being quiet

"Come on let's go to sleep." You said
"yeah, but what if that random ass shooter tries to get in while we are sleeping?" Playtime said being scared

You looked around the room then had an idea

"Hey baldi don't you have a secret room that has bedrooms and stuff like that?" You questioned


"Uhm yes why?" Baldi asked looking at you
"ok so let's do 2 people doing the night watch so if they are tired then they can get someone else to do it and you can go to sleep." Everyone nodded

"but who's going first?" Liv asked
"I'm not tired yet." Tracy said
"Me either so we'll go first I guess" Anthony said

Everyone nodded Tracy and Anthony was watching the windows the rest was sleeping on separate beds

-meanwhile Tracy and Anthony-

"hey Tracy" he looked at Tracy
"hey Anthony." Tracy didn't want to look at him since he rejected her

After a while it was quiet so Anthony just looked at her

"Tracy, are you ignoring me just because I told you I wasn't ready for a relationship?" Anthony got annoyed

Tracy nodded then Anthony hold her hand, she noticed  then blushed

"ok to tell you the truth, I do like you but I don't want to date since we are in a life or death situation so I do t want thing to go shorty for now."
"also, last time I'm in a relationship I got hurt so I just don't want the same shit to happen." Tracy nodded so she hugged him

-after 15 minutes Anthony went to sleep so baldi took over so Anthony can sleep for a bit after a while-

You felt something touching your shoulder you woke up seeing Tracy being tired

"I'm tired Can you take over?" Tracy asked

You nodded then she went to sleep you went to the chair seeing baldi there you sat down you kept on looking at him

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