Chapter 2

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during class you saw a sock puppet,a girl named playtime,a fat dude name bully,a girl name Tracy, another girl name Katie, a guy name Anthony and a guy name Jeff
you sat at the back of the class so you won't get called on to answer anything, meanwhile you will look at your bruises remembering what happen that day.
"y/n? can you answer this question?"
you looked up seeing the question saying 12 x 11 you knew the answer which was easy
"it's 132" "that's right!" "ok class we have 10 minutes left so you guys can read a book or you can do this paper of math questions"
everyone was reading a book but you ended up falling asleep in class with your hoodie on. you wanted to cry in class because you didn't wanted to be here so you raised your hand

"baldi?" "yes y/n?" you try not to cry while talking so you took a deep breath "can I go to the bathroom?" "go ahead" "thank you"

you went to the bathroom kicking the trash to let your anger out you look up the mirror wiping away your tears you heard someone coming so you hide in one of the bathroom stalls covering your mouth so no one will hear you
"hey y/n come out" you stayed quiet also trying not to cry "it's me baldi, come on out"
for a second you felt reviled that it wasn't another person or someone from your class.
"y/n come on out, you ok?" you sighed and decided to get out because you knew that you won't be able to hide in there forever and you can't skip in class
so you got out of the class
"Oh! there you are! you good?"
"yes, why?" you were not looking at him since it was kind of awkward
"that's good come on let get back to class."
"Alright but you still want to talk after class baldi?"
"Oh." "Yeah I want to talk to you after class if that's alright"
"Yeah it's fine"

-Baldi pov-

When I allowed her to go to the bathroom I decided to follow her since I notice she was gonna cry. I felt worrying for her since her parents told me and the principal rude things about her and how she was gonna transfer here so when I was gonna get in the bathroom I hear her crying quietly
wondering why she was crying so I decided to stay out of the bathroom for a few minutes so when I went in I didn't saw her
but got confused where she was so I called out her name so she can hear me
my mind just wanted to leave her alone because I've never cared about everyone in my life.
So when I saw her coming out of the bathroom stalls
I saw her tears since her eyes were red but didn't say
anything about it.
So when we walked back to class I kept on looking at her bruises and scars

-pov ended-

-After class-
you went to baldi looking at him
"you wanted to talk to me?"
"Uhm yeah, take a seat"

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