Chapter 22

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When you were going to sleep in your dream baldi was there while you were in the bed laying down feeling scared somehow since you've never been afraid or scared of him ever

Baldi got you then pulled you close to you slapping you

"Ow that hurts."

"Aww did some get hurt?" Baldi said not caring

You looked at him sighing

"Baldi, what do you want with me?"

"You gonna do what it takes!" He yelled at you

"Of what?" You asked

"Kill Bill Baldimore......." You knew you didn't had a choice but had to do it then you nod you head and baldi smirked

"I knew you will say yes y/n, but will you do whatever it takes to bring me back to life?" He smirked

"Baldi, your crazy you can't bring someone back to life it's nearly impossible, like it makes you feel stupid Baldi."  He sighed knowing you are right

"I know, I know y/n but I need revenge somehow so just fucking do it!"

You sighed then knowing you can't do it but you have to since Baldi was in your mind for so long that you didn't cared about it no more

"Fine I'll do it, where do I start?"

Baldi smirked

"Go to my schoolhouse to my office it will tell you everything and when your friends are fully healed you do it, but you don't have a lot of time because Billy knows that you, Tracy, Tony, Jeff, Playtime and Jayden survived his gunshots so watch out y/n.."

You woke up running to the living room Liv and Evie were playing games in the tv and the rest was cooking you ran to the kitchen fast you could

Jayden saw you ran here so fast then looked at you

"Damn y/n, you good?" Jayden asked

"Yeah I'm fine but I need to tell y'all what we need to do and where we know to go the first thing." Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at you

"What happen y/n?" Liv asked

"Ok we need to go to Baldi's SchoolHouse and have to go to his office he said we will have everything we will need." Everyone nodded

"But we don't have time."

"Why?" Tracy asked

"Because he know we survived out gunshots in the hospital and we are his next victims." Tony got surprised then felt scared

"Fuck I don't want to die!" Tony said everyone else agreeing with him

Playtime gave him the friendly side hug and looked at you

"So who has to go?" Playtime said

"All of us, even Jeff."

"Jeff?" Jayden said

"Yeah, will if we want to." You said

"We are not taking him...." Tony said

"But-" Liv tried to say something but tony interrupted her

"I SAID WE ARE NOT TAKING THAT BITCH!" he yelled everyone looked at him

"Uhm Tony, you good?" You asked

"Yeah I'm fine, just something happen between me and him." Tony said you went close to him then hugged him

"Like what?" You asked

"It's not important as right now, come on let's go to the school." Everyone nodded then went to the school

When everyone went to the school you guys went to search for baldi's office after 30 minutes Liv noticed them made yall to come here

When it was open by Evie you guys saw a note from a unknown person you got it reading it saying "Every time when I think of her I will always go down"

Everyone got confused of what that means so they started to walk around the room to see if they could find any clues out of it

After 9 minutes Jayden found something then told everyone to come over there then it lead to downstairs you and Tracy had a bad feeling about it but Tony saw how scared you worried you and Tracy were then tried to cheer for you guys

But you hugged him since you've liked him but never told him but he hugged you back since he knew how scared you've been after a while

When y'all went fully downstairs you saw so many dead bodies and saw a "B" on it

"I'm supposed Billy did this since theres a "B" on the dead bodies on each and everyone of them." Evie said

"The fuck is going on?!" You said

"I don't know y/n, but Billy needs to be stopped and there's a note within it." Liv said

"What does it say?" Tracy asked

"It saids "If I'm a body, I will check for their insides to hide something.....
"it's where you might know who it is, go check the right corner."

Everyone checked to see Baldi's dead body it smelled and then you looked away from it Tony noticed then went up to you

"You ok y/n?" Tony asked

"No, can I talk to you alone?" You asked

"Yeah sure." You guys went to where you guys saw the dead bodies then when the rest wasn't there Tony looked at you

"Tell me what's going on..." Tony said

"I just didn't wished Baldi died, I mean he was a bad person but no people should just get betrayed by someone trusted and all." You tried not to cry since you knew it was to late but Tony hugged you then kissed your cheek

"I knwo y/n but It's for the best his gone for good, and maybe someone will treat you better as much as he did but come on let's go back to where everyone's at yeah?" You nodded smiling

When y'all went back you guys saw a key in Baldi's organs Evie got it then saw more downstairs that

"Who's ready for this?" Liv said

"Not me." Everyone said

"We got this we will do it together right?" Playtime said

Everyone nodded then went downstairs

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