Chapter 6

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You, Tracy, Anthony and Playtime went to a store where you can get your dresses there.

Before it happen you guys were writing in class
discussing what store y'all wanted to go but when you gave the note to Tracy, baldi noticed he went up to you

"y/n?" "were you passing out notes?" he looked at you annoyed at you

"uhm baldi, i wasn't passing out notes." "then what's on Tracy's hand!?"
baldi yelled at you demanding to read the note in-front of the class
you got annoyed but ended up gave in so you went to baldi's desk reading it

What you,Tracy,Anthony and playtime wrote

Anthony-what store we should go?
Playtime-let's go to "Banana Republic?"
You- Nah, what about the mall?
Tracy-That's a good idea!
Anthony-I don't know maybe for y'all, weird ass dresses.
You-Bro shut up!? Your only saying that because you don't want to walk around the mall.
Tracy-For real.

End of note

Baldi looked at you then looked away when you were done reading the note so he just letted you go back to your seat then continued on the lesson.

He kept on looking at you non-stopped but you just tried not to notice it so you can go to the mall with your friends

During the mall

You and playtime was walking down a store in the mall since Tracy and Anthony was waiting on the food court playtime
she tapped on your shoulder founding her favorite color dresses it was red and light blue

"hey look!" "my favorite color and dress" she was excited about the dress
"you like the dress?" you questioned her
"yes!" she was happy

you guys went to the dress while she was checking the dress out you were looking around to find a dress for yourself but when you looked behind you, you thought you saw someone familiar but you couldn't see since they were long distance away from you

"Y/n?" Playtime looked at you
"oh shit." "my bad" you looked at you
"i zoned out my bad" you felt lightheaded but didn't bothered abit
"but how much your dress cost?"
"what is it playtime?"
"it's 250 bucks and i only brought 100 bucks."
"check your pockets first before you can think about it"

playtime listen to you and checked her pockets realized she had 50 more bucks but knowing it she doesn't enough money to pay for it you looked at her
but when you saw a dress she might like you dragged her to the dress

"hey i found a dress you might like!"
"I like it!!"
"but how much is the cost?"
"Uhm it's 130 bucks!"
"you can pay for it!!"

you guys paid for it then you and playtime walked around to found a store you liked and found a light blue and green ish but mostly it was teal

"you like the dress y/n?"
"yeah but how much is it?"

playtime checked how much it cost

"it's 250 bucks you can play right?"
"yes I can come on!!"

After the pay you and playtime went to Tracy and Anthony they fall asleep so you and playtime had to carry them to the car and you had to drive to your apartments

"playtime should I dropped you off the schoolhouse?" "or do you want to come with me, Tracy and Anthony?" You questioned her

She looked at you thinking about her question but ended up telling you

"I'll go with you!" you nodded

-20 minutes later-

you and playtime carry Tracy and Anthony to your apartment then when you put them in your guest bedroom you and playtime were trying on your dresses then got super excited for tomorrow for the dance

"bro playtime you look nice"

She smile then looked at you

"No you look super pretty!!"

"come on, let's put these away and let's watch tv while making some cupcakes!"

She nodded when you guys made cupcakes Tracy's and Anthony woke up then looked at y'all

"did y'all made some of us?" Tracy questioned

"bro." Anthony looked at Tracy unknown
"fucking fatty" Tracy punched him

"shut up Anthony, at-least I'm not a fucking try hard for unknown reason" you laughed

"ohhhhh you guys will be a cute couple!" you agreed with playtime

"Oh hell nah." Anthony stepped away from her

Tracy flipped him off getting a cupcake then getting a orange juice, after a while you guys got a knock on the door you went there but you guys saw a note under the door so you went go check it out

"uhh y/n?" "what does it say?" Anthony questioned when everyone got confused

-What the note say-

"You guys are fucking dead if you to that fucking party"

End of note

You and confused as much playtime, Tracy, and Anthony was but y'all thought it was a joke since where you lived right now there will be people that will lying about shit so you didn't believed it

-after school the next day-

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