Chapter 12

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(Took me days since I got caught on my phone lmao)

"their still not getting it?" Alex said smirking
"don't you get it!" Principle screaming at you

You knew he hated you but you didn't knew what was happening within it but when you tried to get closer to them playtime pulled you back so you won't get hurt

"it's YOUR FAULT!" principle yelled at you, you thinking of your past life's when you weren't live with you got yelled at a lot

"What do I have it do with this?" You questioned
"You....fucking bitch.." you got confused
"Bitch, your the one the took him away for me."
"who?" You questioned but the principle tackled you but you kicked him to get off from you
"ITS YOUR FUCKING FAULT THAT BALDI LOVES YOU!!" you got shocked then when you looked at him, he looked away
"AND NOW IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" he pointed the gun at you then you pointed you hands up
baldi saw he tried to take it away but he pushed you away

Alex was laughing then Tracy kicked him the principle notice then playtime got you

"GET THEM!!" Alex yelled when you, playtime and Tracy heard it you guys started running to the door only to find it locked

"where's Evie and Liv!?" Playtime said
"We don't know...." Tracy said
"I have an idea!" You said
"uhh playtime go and find Liv and Evie and tracy, you come with me." Playtime and tracy nodded then y'all hugged then went away

You got concerned by baldi and Alex you got scared then Tracy got a knife and she looked at you

"Ready?" You got nervous then she knew you were not
"We have to do this you ready?"
"Look at me y/n."

You didn't cared then you looked at tracy

"let's do this..." Tracy nodded
"GET US FUCKERS" you and Tracy yelled them they came to you.
Tracy gotten Alex and you got baldi

"Y/n, listen to me!" You tried to hit him but he was more stronger then you thought. When you were bleeding baldi picked you up then baldi hugged you

"Please listen, I had to do this I didn't had a choice so please don't hurt me....." (IK ITS CRINGY AND WEIRD)

You looked at baldi thinking you should trust him or not
but when Tracy beaten up Alex got bad Tracy got you behind her

"Don't fucking kill her!" Tracy yelled
"I won't!!" Baldi said but Tracy did not trust him at all since he lied to Tracy a lot before you came here

"Tracy, I trust him." Tracy nodded she hugged you
"it's fine but don't trust him fully you know how much I don't trust him" you nodded then you hugged baldi

Baldi hugged you back

"I love you y/n....." you smiled then looked up at him
"Love you to baldi" you smiled

Playtime ran in with Liv and Evie after a few seconds

"HEY YALL LETS GET O-" playtime got shocked but then smiled
"ohhhhh y/nnnn you and baldi??" Liv said

You blushed but then you nodded

"Yeah uhm we are a thing I guess" baldi nodded and then smiled at you

the principal tried to sneak attack you but baldi stab him with the ruler Liv got you then baldi looked at him mad

"sometime I wish I didn't met him..." baldi whispered not even you could've heard it but then looked at everyone

"I know a way out so follow me." Everyone nodded then follow him

Tracy was crying because she knew she lost Anthony but when you notice you hugged her as she cried in your shoulders

"I know your hurt but maybe it's for the best because he saved you...." Tracy nodded
"Yeah probably, but I wish I can go back in time so he would've not died within this bullshit...." You hugged her for comfort

After a while you guys got out then you took playtime to your house then you showed her to the guest room
she smiled then hugged you as she place her stuff there

"I love it y/n!!"
"Thank you so much for letting me stay here, but how long can I stay?"
"You can stay as much as you like, or maybe forever if you want to." Playtime got happy with it she started crying then hugged you

"Thank you so much you not have no clue as much this means for me...." You smiled after that you heard a knock on the door, you went to check it out seeing baldi there

You guys hugged for a few seconds then pulled away

"Hey baldi..." you looked up at him
"Hey y/n... how you been?"
"Been good." Baldi nodded
"But how did you find my apartments" you asked
"Oh I just asked Tracy, since I heard one time you guys lived together" you nodded
"Well you want to come in?" Baldi nodded as you showed him around the house as y'all hold hands

Playtime came then baldi got confused

"Wait I don't think she lives here y/n?" You looked at him
"Well I told her that she could live with me" baldi nodded

Then you and baldi were in your room while playtime was watching tv in the living room when y'all were alone baldi hold your hand you looked up at him as he smiled

"Y/n, I love you."
"Love you to"

He kiss your cheek as you gave a quick kiss on his hand you guys smiled then started to watch tv together
After a while

Y'all smiled during the movie (pretend it's your fav movie) then he putted his arm around your shoulder as you fall asleep in his arms as he did the same but fall asleep in your shoulder

After a while playtime went in and she got shocked

-playtime pov-

I went to go and ask y/n for her extra clothes then I saw her with baldi I got shocked as her and baldi are so cute
So I took a picture as she sent it to the gc smiling

End of pov

Text message


end of messages

playtime smiles then got what she was looking for then she left leaving you and baldi alone in the room until you guys wake up

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