Chapter 19

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Time skipped

You , Liv , playtime , Tracy and Evie letted jayden in yalls groups in after a while during the day y'all had fun during it

After a while it was 8:30 pm Tracy and Jayden fall asleep due to getting tired so Liv got Tracy and you got Jayden to carry them to the car then while driving you and Liv were the only ones awake and bored as hell

So Liv looked at you so you looked at her back for a second she smiled then looked away you got awkward by it but shrugged it off by it

"Are we going to Jayden's place or yours?" You asked
"Let's go to yours since our school is closer then our place."

You nodded then went to your apartments after 12 minutes you went to your apartment then getting your keys

"Ok so I'll get Tracy you get Jayden." Liv nodded getting Jayden when you reached to your floor and when you open it you laid Tracy on the couch and Jayden on the air mattress since you only had one couch

You got playtime taking her to her room placing her there then you wen to your room Evie walked in looking at you

"Where do I sleep?" She asked
"You can uhm sleep in playtime room, I'll set up a air mattress for ya." Evie nodded then when you set it up
she thanked you then went to sleep

Liv fall asleep in the floor but you got a pillow and blanket for her then you went to sleep in your room

The next morning

It was 7:10 in the morning you woke up then you woke up the others just gonna wear the same thing again if what you wear yesterday but you just putted shorts and neck pads for volleyball

When you walked in you saw everyone read them out to your car to get Jayden's, livs, evies and Tracy's bag pack for school after 15 minutes it was 7:30 in the morning so you had 14 minutes left so you drove to the school

And you saw people going in and the bus getting parked knowing you arrived on time so you and the rest went to go and get to class then went to breakfast seeing weird food when y'all sat down

"Ew this shit is nasty." Liv said
"Nah for real, who will eat this shit?" Evie said
"Who dares me to try it?" Playtime asked the group
"I will." Jayden and you said
"Yeah, try it." Tracy said

Playtime nodded then took a bite out of it tasting weird and spit it out

"It's so weird!" You agreed

Then you Tracy playtime and Jayden went to class after a while you 4 realized that Jeremy came back and baldi saw you then you ignored him not even want to look at him

You saw a new kid named "Tony" he saw you then went up to you he pushed you then you slapped him

"Boo new kid"
"Shut the fuck up anyway I need help."
"I'm not helping you the fuck, not after you pushed me?"
"Shit sorry ok?"
"Fine whatever, what you need?"
"Uhm I need help to get to a tecaher named "Baldi"."
"Yeah I go to his class"
"Great so can I follow you?"

Y'all were talking then getting to know each other and telling yalls names within it

"So why you transfer here?"
"A guy named "David" he thought I was fucking his girl named "Bella," but he didn't believe me so I had to come here."

You nodded remembering how you got here as well even though it fits with your story within it you saw that you were right outside of baldi's class

"Come on, let's go."
"This is his room?"
"Yeah, hey you wanna come have lunch with me and my friend group?" You try not to blush since you thought he was kinda cute
"Great, come on let's go inside I guess."

Tony nodded then y'all went inside baldi saw you and the new kid

"Y/n, why are you late!" Baldi yelled
"Uhm the new kid didn't know where he was going and I was showing him around."

Baldi looked at him then got frustrated within it

"Hey you come on and introduce yourself." Tony nodded then went in front of the class

"Everyone this is the new kid called "Tony" he got transferred the same way y/n did."

"Mr Baldi I don't think you should get y/n on this because she broke up with you." Liv said

"Wait WHAT!?" tony screamed

You got frustrated then looked away as tony got shocked within it

"Liv office and y/n see me in the hallway after this." You got worried then Liv went to the office rolling her eyes

Playtime knew you got scared so she hold your hand for comfort

"Hey, it's ok if he tries to do anything, we're here by your side." You smiled
"Yeah what she said." Jayden said

You notice them sitting together and you gave them this😏 look they blushed but chuckled

"Ok Tony, you can sit wherever you want to and that's gonna be your assigned seat." Tony nodded then went to go to sit next to you, you blushed then playtime gave you this 😏 look

"Y/n let's talk outside." Baldi said you got confused but had to go and follow him

When y'all were outside of class baldi looked at you

"Y/n, im sorry please!" Baldi said
"Baldi, you cheated on me."
"I know, but I can't let go of you!"
"You just remind me of my ex wife!" You got shocked
"So all this time, you reminded me of your ex?" He nodded
"Baldi, that's not cool."
"No buts, Baldi when I saw you I was in love with you and now you cheated on me, I don't think I can forgive or give you a other chance since you spoke the truth within it." He understood then sighed
"Fine I get it let's go back in yeah?" He said you nodded then y'all went back inside you went back to your desk Tony got curious about what happen between you and baldi

"Hey what happen with you and that teacher?"
"Him and I had a 2 month relationship."
"But what happen within it though?"
"He cheated"
"Oh." He got you hold for comfort
"I'm sorry I said that I didn't knew."
"Nah your good." He nodded then Tracy gave you this 😏 look you blushed
"But who cares about him anyway, he's fucking bald and he is an asshole within it." You laugh then tony smiled

After a while a new kid showed in and baldi noticed it

"So is this my class?"
"Yes come here."

He nodded then went to the class

"Everyone there's a new student within it there name is "Adam"."
"Adam, got sit next to Tracy since the rest of the seats are full within it." He nodded then went to to sit next to her

Tracy notice that he was racism but she didn't cared within it since it doesn't have to bother him

Adam kept on saying racist things then Jeremy and him almost fight until baldi stopped it every single time in the hallways or class rooms

But when Tracy and Adam was sitting next to each other Tracy started to gain feelings since it will remind him of Anthony since he was rude to others but was nice to her

"Hey Tracy, you have a pencil"
"Only have one for myself"
"But you wanna sit next to me and my friend group?"
"Who's in the group?"
"Y/n, me, Tony, Jayden, Evie, Liv and Playtime."

During lunch

Adam went with Tracy to go to their table and people were gossiping about rumors about someone having sex with a collage teacher when they sat down Adam knew what was happening

"You know it's true right?" You and Liv look at Adam
"Wait how you know?" Playtime asked
"Well every time when we are outside they will do it the only reason I know is because I was going to the bathroom on my first day when I lost myself I heard them then I just ran out."
"For real bro?" Tony said
"Hell yeah!"
"Wait but who invited you?" You said
"Oh I did." Tracy said
"You could've told us Tracy." Liv said
"Shit sorry"

After lunch they went back to baldi's class then you all were learning about history but you and Tony were talking about how y'all were doing in yalls old school within it

-next chapter is gonna take place in a YouTube video but will kinda change it up I'll post the video-

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