Chapter 20

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Longest chapter I've ever made and took me so long so enjoy🙃

I tried to fit all the characters in

took me a while but changed it (if you have not watched the video of it watch it before you read this chapter)

during class you and Tony was sharing your favorite snacks while baldi teaching

"So our disused for today is of disadvantaged of non-remove, engine sources on how it effects the world around us, like for example some groups of First Nations purpose pipelines because they believe on Frigids of their rights."

"Ok but does it really matter though?" Adam said
"I mean, I don't get why everyone made a deal about it native oppose literally everything it's not like they have to care they don't work for their money."

Jeremy rolled his eyes when he heard Adam saying that being annoying saying

"Here we go again."

"Look all I'm just saying is why does it matter so much if it was truly their land wouldn't be like a paper that will say so about it?"  Adam asked

"Well that's the part of the issue,most First Nations was forcefully taken from it, in many ways it was the problem bc they are not signed by in indigenous people. Baldi said

"That means, there was no illegal stand between the government taken the land or brignal people willing to let it go."

"If it was truly their land, they will still be living in log houses right now." Adam said

"Canada wouldn't be an first world country, like I get it some of it sucked but it helped in the end like they will not be able to read or whatever without the help they got."

"Adam, what happen to them didn't concern help, they were there to learn, they are there so they can be white fucking dumbass." Playtime said being annoyed

"So what playtime?" Adam turn to playtime looking at her while Jayden just on his phone

"Now we have to pay for all of of taxes for something we didn't do!" Adam was yelling

"Their basically sealing from us, and they don't deserve any of it!"

"We're the ones paying for their wafers and their booth and don't do anything!" 

Adam turned around  and playtime getting annoyed with him and Adam looking at baldi

"And we learn it all of the mr baldi we get it!"

"We know it was a resignation school was if it was a school for natives and they go on and on like it matters for something, and they were one and-"

Jeremy had enough of Adam bullshit then decided to confront him about it interpreted him

"Hey Adam, can you shut up and stop being a fucking racist person over there?" Jeremy yelling the crap out of him while the whole class was looking at him

"Like your the of the most annoying people in this classroom!"

Adam looked at Jeremy then started to argue with him

"Oh Jeremy don't go there, just because you say I'm the most annoying in the class doesn't mean that I'm annoying ok?"

"You're probably one of the most annoying person in this class because you won't shut up about your missing father, your father uhhhh his fucking dead so why won't you just shut up Jeremy about your father, who cares if his dead!?"

"He died from a African or a Native person so what?"

"So shut the fuck up."

Jeremy had enough then just stand up out of his seat after when he said that

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