Chpater 24

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During the hospital you were writing down for your English assignment which was a poem was due when you get out of the hospital

When you were done with it Liv saw what you were putting away then she went up to you then sat next to you

"Hey y/n, what did you write?" You got confused but you just acted that you didn't knew what she was saying

"Wrote about what?" You asked

Liv chuckled then sighed

"I saw you write something so can you tell me what you wrote?" Liv said

"Well it's a assignment I have to turn in for English and it's due when I'm out of the hospital I'm not good with poem so I tried." Liv nodded

"Well can you read it then, so I can see if it's good or not." You sighed

"Well will you laugh about it."

"Y/n, I'm your friend what makes you think I'll make fun of you?" Liv said

You smiled then pulled it out

Btw I didn't made this poem myself it's from the movie Thirteen

"He was crippled, but only his body was cracked it's not simple nor it is a easy matter to explain."
"Let's just leave it that" she saids
"And close the holy book of lies, she covers her eyes denying to herself what she thought happen." You got done then you looked at her

Liv got surprised then looked at you

"Wow, that's heavy." You smiled

"But it is good, you should read it to the front of the class to be honest." You chuckled

"No I don't think so." Liv chuckled

Tony woke up then he looked at you and Liv

"Hey what's going on?" Tony asked

"Oh y/n was just reading what her poem she has to write for her English teacher when she gets back."

"I hate her class so much, so one time she almost made me late because she made me get a hall pass."

"That's stupid." Liv said

"I know right!?" Tony said

Tony hugged you then smiled

"You ok?" He whispered

You nodded then smiled at him Liv noticed then chuckled

"Ohhhhhh~~~" Liv said

"Wait until I tell everyone." Luv ran to get her phone

You blushed then Tony ran to her getting her phone

"Hey don't tell we were planning to tell everyone when we were healed." Liv sighed

"Ok fine, but 20 bucks." She said

"Will you tell anyone about this." Liv shaked her head as for saying no

Tony nodded then gave her the money for it

Liv took it then after a while she didn't told no one when you, Tony and Liv got healed you went tot the house but Liv knocked them everyone was hugged her

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