Chapter 3

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You felt worried about this so you just took a seat at your desk. Baldi was looking at you, you wonder if he knows something you don't do you just looked at him

"what is it baldi?" he looked at you worrying about something
"you doing fine when your home?" "well uhm yes why?"
he pointed down your arms then he looked down
"your arms." "that's why."
you got shocked then you got up worrying
"what the fuck you were doing!" "that's the same way I wanted to ask." "show me your arm."
"hell no!" "you can't just demand me shit!"
you got scared so you backed away from baldi but it didn't helped he walked to you grabbing your left arm by force you got scared and worrying what so you try to pull away from crying in front of him
"don't you dare!" "don't please!" "let go of me!"
he showed them then he got shocked since he was many scars,bruises,and cuts he got shocked then looked at you
"y/n.." he try to touch you but you pulled away
"get the fuck away from me!" you ran out of the school to your apartment you locked your door then cried
in your room moments later you hear a knocked on the door when you open it you saw Tracy on the door so you opened it
"hey y/n,you ok?"
"yeah why?"
"fucking baldi kept on saying where were you during class, and it was getting annoying so I decided to skip."
"so you want to go to the party at the schoolhouse?"
"when is it?" "in a few days around 6 pm-10 pm but you stay stay for the night if you walk home"
"I'll go I guess" you looked at Tracy
"I'll see you tomorrow?" "yeah see you"
"bye. you find my apartments?"
"oh I also live here like a this floor like room 209"
"oh. my bad."
"your good see you tomorrow?" "yeah, see you"
when she left you closed the door so you just looked at the ceiling before falling asleep  so you saw you arms and decided to put on makeup to cover it
because you thought baldi told principal about it
and you don't want shit to happen so that's why you started to cover it
-40 minutes later-
you check on your phone to check the time you saw it was 11:39 P.M you went to the bathroom washing your face
you were wondering for tomorrow because what happen between you and baldi but you decided to be late for class since you didn't want to see baldi looking at you
-the next day-

you saw the clock at 8:49 A.M you realized you were an hour late so you got ready then went to the school you did your makeup to avoid your tears
when you walked in everyone looked at you
then baldi looked at you then rolled his eyes
"late y/n, take your seat."
you knew baldi wasn't happy to see you so you just sat down in your seat
"y/n why you late?" "shut up Anthony I'm not in the mood" "jeez just wondering but nice outfit"
you rolled your eyes so you just went on your phone for a while
baldi noticed and slammed his desk
"y/n!" he yelled at you, you looked up at you
"get off your phone!" "fine."
"finally ok class so we are having a test so I expect no wrong answers!"
"y/n, come see me in the hallway"
everyone looked at you but when you got out of the class baldi looked at you frustrated
"y/n we are you acting like this, I mean I get it how quiet you can be but why are you like this?"
"you don't remember?" "when you saw my fucking arm." you started to cry angrily
"I didn't want you to see them!" "I tried to forget about it!"
"You bit-" he pulled you in for a hug as you cried on his shoulder
"I'm sorry ok?" "but do you live with your parents?"
"no they told me to move out when I transferred here."
"oh." "well you can't not take the test since your not alright"
you wiped away your tears looking at him smiling
"thank you" "no problem come on"

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