Chapter 21

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Sorry I haven't post I've been busy with school

after when the news was over, you couldn't believe that baldi was dead you felt shocked as much and felt bad since your last talk was an agruement so you didn't knew what to do

After a while you were in the hospital room slowly healing doing nothing you got an knock on the door letting them come in into seeing an nurse she walked up to you

"Miss y/n right?" The nurse said

You nodded then sitting down on your bed so you could look at her since your face was covered with a blanket so the nurse went close to you

Then she test your blood pressure and your heart rate to seeing how it was going she looked at you

"Ok, so your heart and blood is good let me see the gunshot have they take it off?"

You said no she nodded seeing bandages on your stomach she sighed

"Alright will since it's on bandages you should be fine, be for now just rest for a little nap then the nurse left I to checking the rest of the people."

-Tracy pov-

Tracy woke up then she saw a oxygen mask in her

She got shocked but she relaxed after a while then she saw a doctor walked in then checking into seeing if she was doing well

She got a paper writing

"How the heck do I have a mask on me right now?" She wrote on the paper

The doctor saw it then he sighed then saying

"You got shot on your waist, so when we were taking you to the hospital we couldn't find a pulse so you're gonna have to stay here as well as the others."

Tracy got shocked then sighed gettkng paper and pencil again

"So is this temporary?"

The doctor nodded saying yes then left to check the others

End of pov

-Tony's pov-

He woke up with a headache on his head groaning in pain seeing a bandage on his left shoulder the doctor came in seeing it testing the blood pressure

"Uhm hey, how long me, y/n and everyone else has to stay?"

"Ok Uhm for y/n it's the same day as for you since it's 3-4 days, playtime it's a week since she was losing blood quickly, Tracy like a month since she's having trouble breathing, Jayden for the same days as for you since he got shot the same shoulder you got shot and Jeff for 5 days since he needs new bandages and a cast for his arm." Tony nodded then went back to sleep

End of pov

After a while you and the rest went to stay in your hospital beds since you didn't want to move but did when y'all have to go to the bathroom

Later on you

At the night while you were sleeping in your dreams you saw baldi in it you couldn't move and you saw where baldi got shot then his sprit came to you while you can't move

He grabbed your chin to look at him you got scared he looked like he was crying bloody hell then he cried in front of you

He grabbed your face saying

"Why did you do this!?" You got confused then getting scared

"It wasn't me who you got killed it was your fucking son!" Baldi sprit sighed then asked you something

"Kill him..that's my only request.."

You didn't want to since you didn't want to be in jail for that

"If I dont?"

"I'm in your mind fovever so you better answer right."

You got surprised then woke up you knew it was a dream then a week later when everyone was back and living together you decided to tell your group what happen a week before

"Hey guys.." everyone looked at you saying what is it

"Ok will this make me crazy?" Tracy got confused then sighed

"What is it y/n?" Tracy asked

"Ok so I had this dream while we were in the hospital then all of a sudden baldi was there.." everyone got confused

"Baldi can't j-" Jayden said but Tracy interpret them

"Jayden shut up, continue y/n." You nodded

"Then he told me to kill his son then he said he is in my mind somehow."

"Y/n, I think baldi has something to do with you since you dated him for 2 months." Playtime said

"But why me!?"

"Maybe he still loves you and he want revenge for you and to kill his son for him." Playing said tony agreeing with her

"But we are here with you no matter it takes y/n, when baldi gives you signs in his dreams then tell us so we can help right guys?" Tony said everyone nodding

"Ok so let's start it right now." Liv said

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