Chapter 18

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might not make sense but whatever

Made an long chapter

The next day you were walking around the then you notice to see baldi with a woman you got suspicious then playtime notice

"What is it y/n?" Playtime asked

You went to go and follow then but playtime follow you, they went to a dark alleyway seeing cigarettes, playtime got quiet then she pulled you back

"Shh" playtime said
"Here, wear this, he won't notice you if you wear this." You nodded then putting it on

Baldi went to the dealer as you were listening while recording it

"So you know about more people?"

"Yes I do, how's y/n she know something?"

"No she doesn't, you don't have to fucking do this shit!"

They punched him as you got shocked

"Your gonna do it if you like it or not!" Baldi nodded

They got an control and they putted on his eye contacts he was screaming and you try to save him but playtime didn't want you to then she dragged you away

"Why you dragged me back!" You yelled
"Listen to me y/n, that's not baldi it's someone else." You looked at her
"Then where's is he!"
"I don't know." You nodded
"Let's look for him."

You guys were looking around seeing baldi with a woman again you followed them you was them fucking each-other you got shocked tears on your face

You ran out crying and playtime went to baldi and the girl slapping him on the face

Baldi looked at playtime letting go of the girl shocked

"What was it playtime leave me the fuck alone!" He kept kissing the girl and playtime pushed him

"Dumbass, y/n saw." He got shocked

"Where is she then?" Baldi asked

"She's fucking crying and now, she ran off crying dumbass, I'll make sure she doesn't fucking talk to you anymore." Playtime walked out while baldi tried to stop her into telling you

But the woman dragged him back when you were crying playtime hugged you

"Don't worry about him, he's a fucking brat ." Playtime said
"Yeah but, I loved him!" Playtime hugged you tightly
"I know you do, but move on because it's wrong person wrong time." You nodded knowing she was right

Playtime wipped your tears away as she let you cry as much you were crying your eyes out

Later on Tracy , Liv  and Evie heard about what happen between you and baldi so when they went to your apartment went helped you out

"Bro baldi did that?" Tracy asked
"Bro his a bitch, even though he was a grown ass man."
"Evie,your not help at all." Liv said
"Shit my bad."
"But I do feel bad even though you liked him." Evie said

You were crying after a while baldi called for you picked it up

"Y/n im sorry I'll never did that to you!"
"Forgive me!"
"Shut the fuck up baldi!" Tracy said
"Yeah, you fucking broke her heart!" Playtime said
"so I'm sorry forgive me y/n!" Baldi said
"no I'm not I don't give second chances and you know what fuck you, and I'm blocking this number so fuck you I'm not come tomorrow." You hanged up then blocked baldi's number then Liv , Playtime , Tracy and Evie gave you a high five

"Good job y/n, we are all proud of you for sticking up for yourself." You smiled when Liv said that
"Come on let's go and have fun!!" Playtime said

You guys went to (your favorite place) then yall had so much fun within it after a while you called Jayden so he can come with

He came 10 minutes later then you saw him and playtime getting more close as you gave her this 😏 look

Playtime blushed then she pulled you to the bathroom saying how much she likes him you smiled being happy for him

"You should ask him out!" You said
"Oh no, i don't want to I want him to ask me well only if he does." She said you nodded understanding her then you gave her a high-five

"Don't worry, if his not the one then just still be his friend then." She nodded then you got wondering what happen

"But playtime i have a question."
"Yeah what's up?"
"What was that guy when you said that wasn't baldi?"

Playtime looked at you then she felt uncomfortable when you asked that

"Well there's someone that goes by the name by FileName2 he was the one that was hurting that guy and that guy was a guy named "Noah" he use to go here but end up getting fired because he was on drugs and other shit." You nodded

"Well sorry that I've asked."
"No your good, you didn't knew." You nodded
"Come on, everyone is waiting for us!" You smiled following her

After a while the time was 2: 30 in the morning while Jayden driving and playtime was sitting in the front while you , Liv and Evie was sleeping at the back of the car

Playtime tried not to look at him as much but jayden saw that she was uncomfortable so he chuckled

"Bro how are you so uncomfortable?" Playtime looked at him
"We met and hanged out why are you so uncomfortable all of a sudden?" He asked playtime was stuttering

"W-w-well im not used to o-other people t-that's all!?" Playtime said
"And Uhm there was a shooting and all of the boys that's was my friends died and one of them I really liked so much and died."
"Shit my bad, sorry for asking."
"Your good, Uhm you didn't knew." He nodded then he smiled
"Well where are we supposed to go because I've been driving for fucking 20 minutes." Playtime chuckled
"Well let's go to your house since you live the closest right that's what you've been saying for 18 minutes when we were leaving."

Jayden looked at her then gave her a friendly slap then laughed

"Fine whatever but your helping me carrying all of these girls to my living room."
"And me?"
"Your sleeping in a air mattress since i only have 3 couches or you can sleep on the floor."
"I'll take the air mattress."

He nodded then went straight to his house after 10 minutes when he parked design playtime sleeping he got frustrated then carry Tracy on his back Evie in his arms

When he put them in the couch he realized he only had 2 couch since he forgot he sold one of them away he took you and putted you in the guest room and he place playtime in his room giving her an sleeping bag then he ch aged into pjs then went to sleep

The next day

He got McDonald's breakfast for all of you guys when Evie woke up she realized that there was McDonald's

"What is it Jayden?"
"Uhm you got the big-breakfast."
"And the rest?"
"Oh I'll tell oh has who."
"Damn fatty."
"Bro shut up, it's not my fault you bought it for us."'
"Damn your right but I honestly care less anyway."

Evie flipped him off then you and Tracy woke up seeing McDonald's

"Evie you bought some!" Tracy asked
"Uhm no Jayden did." Evie said
"Bet!" You said
"Bro every single one of y'all are some fucking fatty's"
"Dude shut up if you didn't bought anything we wouldn't have done it." You said
"Yeah." Tracy said

After 20 minutes Liv and playtime woke up seeing McDonald's

"Did Jayden bought this?" Liv asked
"Yeah why?" Tracy asked
"Oh because y'all are so broke to buy any."
"Shut up Liv" Evie said
"Let's stop and have breakfast yall" everyone nodded

When y'all were eating playtime realized we had school

"Wait didn't we had school?" Playtime said
"Uhm yeah?" Evie said
"Should we go or stay?"
"Stay, who the fuck likes school it's so shitty anyway."
"Nah for real."
"Bro y/n your only saying that because of baldi."
"Bro Evie stop your only saying that because you got cheated on." Liv said
"Shut up"
"Ok let's not fight and enjoy our day without school."
"Yeah your right." Evie said
"So we going tomorrow?" Playtime said
"Sure I guess but let's skip after lunch?"
"Hell yeah!" Jayden said

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