Chapter 11

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The day before with baldi

Baldi was crying in the floor after a while he heard footsteps so he stopped crying he saw the principle
so he didn't even want to look at him

"Baldi!" Baldi had to look at him not wanting anything to do with his shit
"What is it?"
"Put this shit on"


Baldi looked at it he got weird and disgusted about it
then he just sighed

"I'm not wearing this shit." Principle pushed him to the floor after he said that

"fine I'll wear it, now leave me the fuck alone!" Baldi yelled at the principle

"Aww someone's mad?" Principle mocked him

Baldi was got mad so he throw him out of the door then close it  he was sitting down in the room since there was one a pillow and a blanket since he had to sleep on the floor

Alex came in 20 minutes later then he sat next to baldi smirking at him

"Baldi, tomorrow we are gonna kill them." Baldi got surprised
"Fuck no!"
"But who is it." Baldi asked hooping he doesn't hear your name

Alex got a paper standing infront of him

"The kids names are Playtime,Liv,Anthony,Lucas,Evie,The bully and y/n."

Baldi got surprised then he got up

"You are not gonna hurt either one of them." Baldi pushed him to a wall to hurt him

Alex chucked then looked at him

"You don't have a choose" Alex looked at him smirking
"What if I say no?" Baldi asked

Alex got gun then pointed it at baldi

"I'll just kill you right now." Baldi got worried
"If I do, people will just forget about you, and also everyone will just know that your dead."

Baldi had no choice so he had to say yes

-the next day meanwhile with you and the others-

"Ok so where are we?" Anthony asked
"We are in the left side of the school." Playtime said
"Wait, how you know we are in the left side in the school?" Evie asked looking at her

Playtime looked at her but she ended up responding back

"Will I live here I don't have a place to stay to be honest" you felt bad when you hear that

"Well playtime, I have a extra room like a guest room you wanna be my roommate?" Playtime smiled then hugged you tightly

"Thank you!" Playtime smiles at you
"No problem!" You smiled back

After a while you and the other went around the place not seeing exits around the school after 29 minutes Liv hear something

"Shh I heard something." Liv whisper
"wait wh-" Anthony got confused
"Shut the fuck up!" Liv said whispering yelling at him

Everyone heard a ruler coming near y'all, so you guys started to run away everyone sticked together
But the bully tripped so playtime went to get back with him

"Hey bully come on!" Playtime ran to him and the rest did
"Come on!" You said

Playtime saw blood on the bully's foot so she picked him up and Anthony had to help playtime since he was heavy

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