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fall break 2023

trevor's point of view

i was currently at the airport waiting to pick up elodie. even though it hasn't been that long since i've seen her it's felt like forever. considering before i left me and ellie spent basically every waking hour together. we've always been extremely close, so inviting her to stay with me and jamie was a no brainer.

jamie is always very quiet and laid back so i wasn't really worried about what he'd say when i asked him if elodie could stay with us. while he's never met her they both still hang out with me so that's one thing they have in common. i also know they've had a few interactions on social media and have exchanged a few words while i've been on facetime with her in the past.

elodie i just grabbed my bags lmk wya shorty

trevor i'm in the pick up zone by the big pole

elodie big pole great directions trevor👍
elodie oh wait i see you

"trevor!" i hear her yell as she runs toward me

"hey el!" i breath out as we hug
"i missed you so much trev you have no idea" she says into the embrace

i chuckle at her tone "i missed you too sis but i can't really breathe right now" i mumble attempting to pull out of the embrace

"no like you don't get it i actually hate college" she frowns, slightly looking up at me

"maybe you need to just come live with me permanently, i mean there's plenty for you to do around here" i jokingly suggest. elodie has never been a big school person but as loving as our parents are, they are big on education. which has lead elodie to basically thrive off of academic validation. when she was in high school we'd have to pry her away from her desk just to eat dinner. but we also later learned that she was also studying for my reasons than just getting good grades.

"we only have so much time we gotta get goin here!" i say as i grab her bags and put them in the trunk. she climbs into the passenger seat of my car. shortly after making our way to jamie and i's apartment.

i look over to see a sleeping elodie in my front seat, shoes off with her feet up on the seat. only imagining how tired she is from the early flight and also having late practice the night prior. i turn the seat warmers on knowing she'll wake up to appreciate it. considering the girl is always cold. like always.

once we'd arrive to jamie and i's, i grabbed all of elodies bags and took them up to our guest room before coming back down to wake her up

"el we're here" i shortly rub her shoulder as she stirs awake

"oh what the hell how long was i asleep for?" she asks as she rubs her eyes

"like 45 minutes"

"oh wow sorry hopefully the car ride wasn't boring" she says as she steps out of the car looking around

"i've driven it a hundred times don't worry. plus it was better than driving it with jamie. man he thinks he can sing but he really can't" i let out a laugh thinking of all the horrid times spent in a car with him

"is he really that bad?" she asks as we walk toward the front door

"oh yeah. he has a playlist full of songs he thinks he can sing. let's just say him and lady gaga would NOT be a good duo" i let out a loud laugh, unlocking my front door and opening it for elodie

"wow your place is so nice! and clean.." she says hesitantly

"what you don't think i'm a clean person?" i question her, slightly scuffing

"i mean back home you sure weren't. surprised two hockey players can keep it this neat" her eyebrow raises slightly

"oh whatever, youre room is over her to the right. i'll let you get settled in and you just let me know if you need anything" i lead the way letting get comfortable

"thank you trev. and thanks for letting me stay here" she walks over and hugs me

"of course ellie" i smile as i hug her back

okay guys new pov check how do we feel hopefully not bad please don't say it's bad i'll cry anyways jamie next chapter!!???!!!?? have a fab day and don't forget to dab

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