Volume 1 Chapter 4: Pool Day

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Tokyo, Japan
Class 1-D
April 8th, 2019


Ike [Good morning Yamauchi!]

Yamauchi [Good morning Ike!]

Me {It's weird seeing them at school early}

Me {It's been one week since the entrance ceremony and every time they came right before the bell rang. But it's not like I can be talking about tardiness}

Ike [Wow. I was so excited for today I couldn't even sleep]

Yamauchi [Yep, this school is the best! The afternoon swimming classes are beginning soon, and I can't wait to see our classmates!]

Me {The swimming class will be Co-Ed, well that's what I've been told}

Me {The girls in the room backed away from Ike and Yamauchi in disgust}

Me {What could be interesting about half-naked people?}

Ike [Oi, professor! Get over here]

Professor [Fufu, did you call me?]

Ike [Professor, could you record the girls in their swimsuits, so we can watch it later?]

Professor [Leave it to me. I'll pretend to be sick and observe them from above]

Sudo [Record? What are you planning to do?]

Ike [The Professor is going to rank all the girls boobs. And if there's a chance, he'll try to take a picture]

Sudo [Leave me out of it]

Ike [Ok then, Oi Ayanokoji]

Kiyotaka [What is it?]

Me {I don't even care anymore, I'm going to sleep}

Tokyo, Japan
April 8th, 2019


Me {It was finally time for swimming class, and I was going to skip the class, but Yousuke forced me to come to class}

Ike [Lets go together, Ayanokoji]

Kiyotaka [Eh? Uh, s-sure]

Me {We were changing into our swim suits and most of the boys were covering themselves with towels}

Kiyotaka [Sudo, don't you feel embarrassed?]

Sudo [No, if you try to hide you body then you'll become the center of attention]

Me {He's right about that}

Sudo [Alright! Let's go]

Me {Sudo left the locker room. And I quickly followed behind him}

Ike [This school's really the best! It's even better than the city's pool!]

Me {He's not over exaggerating. This pool is 50 meters long and the water was crystal clear}

Ike [Where are the girls!? Are they not here yet?]

Ike [*Sniff Sniff*]

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