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It's been 5 years since I saw him..The angel that was once in my life..A lot of things went down that day..I haven't been able to forget about it..It replays in my dreams and in my mind.It haunts me.It's been a while since I've been haunted by such a memory..

This one in particular makes my heart ache and beat so hard I can't even hear any other sound.The intensity of the memory leaves me weak whenever I think of it.I get emotional and dizzy.I think about how he's doing every now and then..

But what can I say?..I caused everything and I know that it can't be fixed..


I stared out my window.. admiring the night sky and I closed my eyes and decided to be in the moment while the wind ran through my hair.

As I was lost in thought,I felt a familiar touch around my neck.I slowly opened my eyes while smiling slightly and said in a low tone..


Valora:No.. it's me Mom.. who's Mace?..

London:Oh.. It's nothing sweety..Just an old friend that just got in my mind.

Valora:Is it a man?..

London:Yes dear..

Valora:What was he like?..

I looked up at the moon and smiled and instantly remembered everything about Mace.

London: He's tall..a bit dark..he..

I paused..

Valora:Go on..Mom..

London:Has the most beautiful blue eyes I ever saw..

I smiled with tears in my eyes..

London: "Describing him is not a work of words.. It's a lot more than word can fill in to make a sentence which can comprehend him..

"His face is one,which lasted within me for ages and will last for years to come"

"He is the miracle I thought I would never find"

"He is the mirror I was craving to see"

"His deep blue eyes were enough for me to drown in them"

"His lips will forever be a lasting effect in my life"

"His skin is glitter,which made me shine"

"I tried so hard to stay away from the beauty he beholds"

"I tried so hard not to fall for the trick God created"

"He is made from the finest elements"

"His gait which would turn the heads of both men and women"

"A heart stealer"

"A lover"

"An angel with a devil persona"

"Mace De la Cruz".

I immediately realized myself and wiped my tears.

My daughter was resting on my shoulder and was smiling from ear to ear.

Valora:Wow Mom!..That was an epic description of your friend..It was almost like he's more than a friend to you..Like you really really loved him.

I looked at Valora with a serious look on my face knowing that I shouldn't have expressed too much about him..

And it equally means that he still mattered to me.

I looked down with a sad look on my face and Valora hugged me tight.

Valora:Mom..did you and Mace have a fight?..

London:Uh..No.. well we just went our separate ways that's all.. it's normal in friendships princessa.



Valora:If I were you..I won't separate from Mace..

I felt my heart sank hearing how much she meant that.. despite not knowing the truth that Mace is her father.

Valora:He sounds like a really nice man. Mom..What happened?..


Before I could speak, Damien barged in with a smile on his face.

Damien: Guess what guys?..My company has finalized a partnership with an influential industry and we'll be moving to the location in two weeks.

London: That's good to hear Damien..Which industry?..

Damien:They said it's a I have no clue yet..Hola Princess Valora.

London:Hola Damien!..

(Damien hugs Valora)

Damien:I see you and your mom were having girl time.

Valora:Yes and you interrupted!.

Damien:Oh..My princess.. I'm not gonna do it again.

Valora: It's ok I forgive you.

Damien: Well what were you two talking about?..

I froze in fear..

As Valora was about to speak,I quickly changed the topic.

London: That doesn't matter Damien.. It's girl talk right..

I winked at Valora and she winked back at me.

Damien:Ok..Well..Val..I got something for you in the living room.. wanna go see it?..

Valora:Yes sure!..

Both Damien and Valora left the room and I don't know why but I had a strong feeling that this new location that we would be moving to was a bad idea..

Why did I feel so frightened by it?..

I held my necklace tightly and closed my eyes shut thinking about it.

What's making me feel so bothered by it?..

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