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Cassandra was in her office sobbing when Garry knocked on her door.She wiped her tears and regained her composure before allowing him to come in.

Garry:Hey Cassandra..

Cassandra:Hello Garry..

Garry:Have you been crying? look a little red.

Cassandra:Me..uh.. I..

Cassandra couldn't hide how she felt and just broke down and told Garry about how she was feeling.

Cassandra:I don't know what to do Garry.. I've been trying to win Mace over for over four years now and it just feels like I'm not even putting in any effort..

She continued to sob and Garry then decided to tell her the truth.

Garry: Well Cassandra you need to know something..

Cassandra looked at Garry curious and confused.

Garry: Well.. before you came here to Mexico.. Mace had just gone through a heartbreak..


Garry:Yes..he was in love with someone.. before he met you..

Cassandra looked at her feet not being able to understand what Garry was telling her.

Garry: Cassandra I'm only telling you this so that you'd understand why Mace is not responding to your love..

Cassandra:Garry enough.

Garry paused and stared at Cassandra in confusion.

Cassandra: Whatever the case may be..Mace is with me now and I'll continue to put in the effort to win him over..he cannot suffer because of a love story that didn't work out.. I'll make sure that ours works.Thank you for telling me anyways..So what exactly did you come here for?..

Garry:Oh know we're gonna have a business meeting at Mace's house right later this evening.

Cassandra:Yeah what about it?..

Garry: Well Mace just told me that both Damien and London would be attending it as well.

Cassandra: Really that's great..But.. I saw London some time ago after she and Mace had a conversation and she looked livid.. I'm still wondering what he told her.. word..

Cassandra:I just hope that during the meeting nothing dramatic occurs..


Cassandra:And I noticed something strange with Mace.. When London returned to the company.. I've never seen this side of him.. like he's more emotional and..I don't know it's wierd.

Garry:Uh.. he's reconnecting with his old friend maybe that's why he's more emotional and whether they had a fight or not it's normal between them..

Cassandra:Wait What?..

Garry:I mean it's normal for feuds to happen between friends you know.

Cassandra: Well I guess you're right..But if so why does it bother him so much..I just don't get it..

Garry:Uh.. Cassandra just let that all go.. it's not that much of a big deal anyways.. I wanted to give you this file check it out and let me know..

Cassandra:Ok sure.


I was scrolling through some images on my laptop when Damien entered my office.

Damien:Hey El..


I continued my work..

Damien approached me and I looked up at him a bit confused..

I slowly walked out of my chair and stood to face him with my arms crossed.

London:What is it?I hope there's no issue..

Damien:El..Garry told me that there's a business meeting at Mace's house and we have to attend it.. it's extremely important and necessary.

I went livid and slammed my table with my hand.

London: I'm not going!..

Damien:El.. don't worry I'll be there with don't have to feel uncomfortable being in Mace's presence..

London:It doesn't matter.. being in the same building as him is already bad enough and the fact that you look like him is another thing..

I darted my eyes feeling overwhelmed..

Damien looked at me in worry and suddenly he came close to me and hugged me.

I stayed still not knowing how to reciprocate the hug.. slowly he pulled away and gently held my chin..

Damien:El.. you're so beautiful you know that?..I can't get my mind off you even for a second.. You're so important to me..

Before he leaned in, I got a call from my aunt and he paused..

London:Uh.. Damien..I gotta take this call.. it's aunt..


Damien left the room shortly and I sat down to talk to my aunt.

A few moments later,I was leaving the office to go and pick Valora and I bumped into Mace extremely hard that my purse fell and Valora's picture came out.. I quickly got down to pick everything up including her picture so that Mace wouldn't see and he stared at me a bit confused about why I was in a rush..As I wanted to leave, I felt my hair end was hooked on to something..I turned around to face Mace and I saw that my hair was hooked on his broche..

I struggled to remove the hair but it was of no use.. Mace then held my shoulders firmly to keep me in one place and then he slowly removed my hair from his broche.I breathed out before looking at him and he stared back at me blankly and I quickly snapped out of it and walked away.

As I got outside I saw that Damien had already picked Valora up and in excitement she ran towards me without Damien knowing and there was a speeding truck coming her way and before I could do anything Mace suddenly jumped into action and carried her out of the way holding her close to him.

I felt my heart pound witnessing what happened and I was stunned by mace's actions when he doesn't even know that Valora is his daughter.

Mace:Are you ok princess?..

Valora swiftly hugged Mace and sobbed and he hugged her back tightly and I felt my heart melt seeing him hug her..

Mace:(Internal dialogue)..I don't know why but I feel a strong bond with this girl just like the first time I met seems as if..

I rushed towards Valora and pulled her from Mace hugging and kissing her forehead.

Mace slowly rose up and was in a state of confusion.


London:Oh my baby.. don't ever do that to me again..

Mace widened his eyes in shock hearing that Valora just called me her mother and then Damien rushed to me and hugged me and Valora tight looking extremely worried.

Mace slowly stepped back not being able to understand what was going on.

He then turned around and walked back to his office ignoring everyone that tried to talk to him.. luckily Cassandra didn't witness the scene..

Mace got into his office and sat on his chair with a thud.. still in shock because he thought that I and Damien had a daughter.

He closed his eyes tightly trying to hold back his tears and suddenly there was a knock on his door and he regained his composure.

Liam:Sir.. Your files are ready..

Mace:Ok.. drop them on my table..

Liam dropped the files and left shortly and Mace broke down into tears using his hands to cover his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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