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I was alone in my room thinking about how awful I was to Valora..When Damien knocked on my door.

I quickly regained my composure and wiped my tears before he entered.

He looked a bit serious and annoyed by something.

He sat next to me on the bed and cleared his throat before speaking.

Damien:You told Valora about Mace..Right?..

I looked at Damien in guilt.

London:I didn't want me..I just wanted her to feel satisfied.. Miguel she knows nothing about her father and this is the first time she's asked this wholeheartedly with such I had to give her an answer.I mean I can't lie to her what else would I have done..

Damien:I told her that Mace is dead.

I looked at him in shock.


I stood up swiftly in anger and he stood up as well.

Damien:El.. it's the only way she won't find out about him..

London:How can you say that about your brother and a da*mn child!..My God! you're heartless Damien.How despicable. know very well I'm doing this for all of us.

London:Man!Shut the hell up..There is no us..Val and I are better off without you or anyone..I just needed a helping hand..and don't think that because we've all settled in your house that it means doesn't..I got my house as well.. It's because of Val that I'm here if not I'd be at my house with my daughter.

Damien: I'm sorry..for infuriating you..I just got a bit worried..

London: Whatever..

Damien:Ok.. I'll be leaving now.

Damien left the room and I felt relieved.

Damien:Da*n! It's because of that Mace that My friendship with El is ruined.He ruined everything for the both of us.I'm glad he's out of our lives for good..Now we won't have to deal with him ever again.


Valora:God.. Please show me my Dad in my dreams..I really want to see how he looks like.Amen.

Valora shortly fell asleep.

(Valora's dream)

Mace was coming out of a black Lamborghini all dressed in a black suit with gold studs that matched with a Cuban 24 karat necklace.

He had shades on with his face hidden by a bright light.His gait as sleek as always..with a dimpled smile on his face as he walked into a beautiful golden building.

His hair was wavy and sheen as the light shone on it.His amazing muscular build that would make everyone scream.His fingers adorned with gold rings and that immaculate tattoo on his chest that will always remain a mystery.

He slowly removed his shades..and lo and behold..his deep blue eyes was revealed and they twinkled in the sunlight.

His face was not revealed.

Valora woke up abruptly feeling a rush of adrenaline that she was able to see a glimpse of her father.

It was morning already.

She ran towards my room in happiness but paused shortly.

She thought deeply to herself and her smile slowly vanished.

Valora:If I mention Dad..Mom is not gonna respond to me positively.. She's gonna shout at me again.

Valora sat on the ground with her knees close to her chest and sulked.

A few seconds later,She heard a faint voice calling her name.

It sounded like a man's voice and she instantly felt a new and undescribable feeling that it might be...

Her father..

She walked slowly to the direction of where she was hearing the voice and before she could move further..I held her hand and she realized herself..

She was sleepwalking and she had almost fallen down from the stairs.

London:Val..Thank God..I saw you in time..Oh Gosh..How stupid of me..I shouldn't allow you stay in the room alone again.What if you fell..

Valora:Mom..I think I heard Dad's voice.

London:What?..What do you mean?..

Valora:Mom.. I'm telling the truth I think I heard him calling me and it felt so true..

London:*Sighs* were sleepwalking so obviously you were dreaming.. There's no one else here apart from the servants.. Damien's gone to work and I have to get you ready for school before I go to work as well..

Valora:Mom.. seriously..I..heard him..He was calling me..He even knows my name.

London:Val please stop this nonsense discussion!..Dad!..Dad!..Dad!.. it's that all that matters!..You have a competition to win Valora.. do not be distracted with silly things like this.. understand.

Val had tears in her eyes and I melted seeing her sad and I hugged her tight.

London: I'm sorry mi amor..I didn't mean to shout at you..I just..*Sighs*.. It's hard.. without him.. I'm sorry.

Val gently wiped my tears and smiled at me.

Val:I won't bother you about it again Mom..

London: It's alright sweety..Now go and get yourself refreshed.

Val left immediately and I just stood there feeling even more awful about what I just did.

Valora peeped through the door and saw me crying and she gently turned away and immediately saw Damien's picture on the wall and stared at it.In curiosity.

She walked towards it slowly and felt like she had seen a similar face to Damien's..but she couldn't place who's face it was.

She was interrupted shortly by the door opening and I entered the room.

London:Val..what are you doing?..

Val:Oh.. nothing Mom..I just..

Val ran towards the bathroom and I just stood there stunned.

London:I wonder why she was looking at Damien's picture..or why she suddenly started hearing Mace's voice.

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