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I felt a wave of emotions while I was in the shower..It was a painful feeling of regret.

The fact that my own child was able to bring back these painful and regretful emotions just makes me think.. how much she embodies her father's traits even without knowing how he looks like and meeting him.. It's just that rare quality that the both of them making me see and feel beyond my own thinking and how I view things in life.

A long time ago,I was in a phase of absolute emotional damage because of the tragedies that occurred in my life and with the coming of Mace in my life..he made me understand that there's so much ways to find happiness and not be stuck on a past memory..and now my daughter is subconsciously showing me the same thing and I just cannot get rid of the fact that as much as she looks and acts like me.. she's a lot more like him.. extremely like him.And to be honest, I'm proud of that.

I came out of the shower in a red robe and sat down on my bed with a little frame of mace's picture in my hand and I stared at it feeling all types of emotions..Sadness,anger,regret,pain....and somehow happiness that he gave me another him in my life..Valora.

I smiled weakly at the picture and kept it back in my drawer.

(A while later..

Valora was asleep in her room when I had come to check on her and I decided to go to the kitchen to grab a glass of water when I heard the most sweetest and beautiful voice singing from behind me..

The tune sounded quite familiar and for some reason it made me feel restless and I decided to turn around to check it out..I felt more and more restless as I started to really hear the voice and I recognized the song..

I paused when I saw that it was Valora singing and she was half asleep and was sitting straight on her bed facing the direction of the moon outside her window.

I almost cried when I remembered the was the song Mace sang for me back in Italy..

But how did she..

Valora:"I love you too much".."I whisper your name night after night".."I know I belong".."When I sing this song".."There's love above love and it's ours cause I love you too much"..

I was already in tears when she had stopped and I didn't know how to even react.

I tried to steady my breathing and gently called her name.


She wasn't responding and was still in that position and I decided to walk up to her.

She was asleep and I helped her lie back on her pillow and I tucked her in.

As I was about to leave,she gently held my hand and the words she spoke left me shook to the core.

Valora:"I love you Mami".

I swiftly turned around and she was still fast asleep and it brought more tears to my eyes hearing the words that Mace would always say to me.

I slowly approached her and kissed her on her forehead while tears flowed down my cheeks and I caressed her hair gently.

London:I love you too sweety.

I slowly put down her hand and walked away quietly.

I sat down with a thud on my bed and squeezed the end of the sheets letting out all the emotions.

I cried out.I had to.

The fact that now I'm in the know that her subconscious equally yearns for her father kills me even more..

Those words meant everything to me.

He would say that to me every single time making me feel like the only woman in the world.It really meant a lot.

I wiped my tears and rested my head on my pillow trying to get some sleep and as I was closing my eyes I heard his voice.







I flung my eyes open and looked around but he wasn't there.I held my head in confusion..Was I going crazy?..Why is it that it's after all this time that I've been away from him that I'm suddenly starting to think about him on an intense level.

I rubbed my eyes furiously and when I opened them I saw him in front of me.

I was shocked..

Mace:Hey Mami.. It's been a even raised our child away from me.. that isn't fair now is it?..

I continued staring at him in shock and he slowly walked up to me.

Once again, I was able to stare into his provocative blue eyes and everything rushed back in..My feelings.

He gently held my waist and pulled me close to him..and I was absolutely lost in his looks.He looked even more breathtaking than ever and he still had the same intense gaze he always had.

He leaned in closer and closer and I closed my eyes waiting to receive what he was going to do but before it could happen..

Valora woke me up.

It was only a dream.

Valora:Mom.. wake up you've been asleep forever..come let's feed the puppy..

Valora quickly rushed to the living room to meet the puppies and I just sat on my bed still reeling with shock from my dream..

It felt so real.Too real in fact.

His touch felt amazing and it felt like he was actually holding me..What the heck!..

Was this actually a dream?.

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