Chapter 13:TENSION

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I tried my best to avoid Mace after our encounter..I wondered around the office with my disguise on and then the unthinkable happened.

I suddenly tripped and someone caught me by the shoulders just in time and due to how I tripped my disguise fell off.

Then I realized who it was..

It was Jenila.

I slowly lifted my head up and faced her and she stared at me in shock.. wondering if I was really standing in front of her..and I could tell by her face that she longed to see me.

I stood up straight and we were left staring at each other with no words.

Jenila: came back..

Jenila's voice was shaky as she tried to control her emotions and because of that I equally got emotional.

Jenila:I can't believe this..after so long..I knew you would return to us.

Jenila rushed towards me hugging me tight and I hugged her back.

Moments later, Garry came looking for Jenila and saw her with me and he couldn't believe his eyes.

Garry: London?..

Garry joined in the hug and it felt wonderful.

After our little sentimental moment was over, I felt someone's eyes on me..

I turned around to see that it was Damien and he looked disappointed and then he walked away after.I looked down at my feet knowing the reason why.

Jenila:How are you London?..You didn't even give us a call or were really that serious in moving on..

London:Guys.. well it's a long story but let's not focus on past alright.. let's focus on the now.. I'm here for a partnership with Damien.

Garry:Hmm that explains it.I heard the news that a big international company would partner with us..and it looks like fate wanted you to come back here..

I stared at Garry thinking about what he said deeply and it kind of made sense.

Jenila: London.. Believe me we all missed you.. especially Mace.

London:No he's engaged to Cassandra..he doesn't..he can't..

Jenila:So what?..Does that change anything.. London.. Cassandra is an amazing person to Mace but she can never replace you..after you left Mace swore that one day you'll come back to him and the day has come.Quite frankly,he did what you wanted..he found someone else..but the thing is..his heart still belongs to you.

I gasped softly as my heart pounded listening to what Jenila said..and to be honest a part of me was happy.

Garry: have to take your are destined to be with Mace don't ruin a lovely future you can have with him.. Give it a chance.

I stared at Garry not knowing what to say and moments later.. Damien came and when I looked at him he was with Valora!..

Oh my goodness why would he bring her here!.

Jenila and Garry were surprised to see Damien and when they saw Valora holding hands with Damien they looked at me in confusion.

My heart was in my throat as Damien walked over to us with a smug smile on his face.

Jenila:Hi Damien and who is this preety girl.

Damien:Oh.. she's my daughter.Our daughter.

We all looked at Damien in shock.

Jenila turned to me and was surprised and confused at the same time.

Valora:Yes..they are my parents.

Jenila: London please can I and Garry talk to you in private.

I nodded.

We all stood at a far corner where no one could see us.

Jenila: London you had a child with Damien!..why I'm I even surprised she looks like you!..A complete replica of you.

Garry:This is crazy..but how come we didn't hear any news about it.If she's a secret child it makes a lot of sense why we didn't hear about it.I'm so confused.

I was mute for a moment but then I spoke.

London:Yes she's my daughter..And..

I felt a lump in my throat.

Jenila:And what?..

Garry:Say it London..

London: Damien is her..Father.

I couldn't make eye contact with them as I told them and they noticed that something was off but refused to say.

Before they could speak further, I got a phone call from Damien and I excused myself.

Jenila: I'm sure Valora isn't Damien's child.

Garry:Me too.. London couldn't even look at us when she said Damien is her father.

Jenila: It's not only that and don't tell me I'm the only one that saw it.


Jenila:Her smile is exactly like Mace's.She has dimples too like him.Her hair too is like his.There is so much similarity that they share.

Garry: You're right though but why will London and Damien lie about this.. it's a good thing if this girl is actually mace's child..she would reunite both of them.

Jenila:Oh Garry I know she is in fact Mace's child and we are both gonna bring the truth to light somehow.


Damien and Val had gone to get some ice cream while I was working on some papers and I decided to go and get some coffee from the canteen.

Everyone there greeted me with smiles on their faces.

Employee 1: It's great to have you back London we're all glad to see you again.

London:Thank you.

I collected my coffee and went to the veranda to sit by myself and think about stuff.

Shortly after, I was joined by someone.

Mace:You haven't really changed Mami.

I felt my heart beat rapidly as I heard his voice.

Mace came closer to me and put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I stared at him as he did so and then he removed my hair band letting my hair out.

Mace:Ah that's more like you look like the London I fell in love with.

I stared at him with tears in my eyes.

He caressed my hair staring deep into my eyes and I realized myself and pushed him away.

London:You can't do this.. you're engaged.

Mace:So.. I'm not married right?.. Remember when I was engaged to Bella..did that change anything..we still showed affection for each other despite that..

London:That was a long time ago.Mace you are supposed to be more are 27 years old should not be the younger Mace that didn't care about anything and did what he wanted.I have a new responsibility.My current company..and my fiance.

Mace:Mami..Like I said you haven't still behave like the delusional and stubborn London and it's just five and a half years come on.. it's not up to a decade.How could you have changed or me even.

London: That doesn't matter.

Mace:Oh it doesn't..then does this matter.

Mace suddenly pulled me close and kissed me.

My heart pounded feeling this once again after so long.

Mace slowly pulled away and looked into my eyes.

I stared back.

There was tension between us in that moment.

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