Chapter 15:THE SET UP PT 2

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Valora:Damien..what happened to my mother..why does she look so weak?..

Damien:Val.. relax your mom will be ok.. she's just tired from the work..

Valora: Don't lie to me Damien why does she look so weak..

Damien: Valora stop..right now your mom needs rest just let her be.

Valora:No! she's my mother..I don't need you to tell me this!..

Valora stared at Damien in anger and he was astonished seeing the fire in her eyes..He slowly backed away after dropping me on the bed and left the room.

Valora: Don't worry Mom I'll stay here with you until you wake up.

A few moments later,I opened my eyes hearing Valora call my name and she hugged me as soon as I woke up.

Valora:Mom what were not opening your eyes before..

London:*Sighs*..I was just tired dear..but I'm ok now.

Valora reluctantly accepted what I had said but she had a feeling that something else was the cause of it but chose to stay quiet.


After dropping Valora off at school,I went to the De la Cruz company alone because Damien needed to see someone..

Suprisingly,this time I wasn't scared nor anxious..I felt at ease after a long time.

Getting into the office I spotted Cassandra speaking to some of the employees and as soon as she saw me she smiled and came over.

Cassandra:Hi London.. I'm surprised you're here without your fiance..where is he?..

London:He needed to see was important so he couldn't be here..

Cassandra:Oh I see.. well you're here..

She smiled at me and I smiled back.

Cassandra: London you know I recently found out that you used to work here.. and I'm sorry for not recognizing you properly when we first met.. I'm not from Mexico.. well I am but I was brought up in the UK so I don't really know much about you and I would love to know more about you.

My heart dropped.. Cassandra can't find out about my would ruin her engagement with Mace.. She's so happy with him..I can't let that happen.

London: Cassandra there's no need for that.. you've already met me and that's all that matters..

Cassandra: Do you know something..


Cassandra:I asked the staff and employees about you and no one wanted to tell me anything..they only said you used to be the head secretary..but I'm sure that there's more..apart from the fact that you're a model..

London: Really what I'm I?.. I'm just a regular lady like you.. there's nothing else.

Cassandra:Since you're being so insistent..ok fine I'll believe you..


As I was about to leave, Cassandra gently held my hand.

Cassandra:Hey..what happened to your don't have the ring finger just like..


I realized that I uttered his name and I stared at her afraid she might read it another way.

Cassandra:Yes.. he's also missing a finger..he told me that he had an accident that decapitated his finger..but...what happened to yours..

London: Well I uh..

Mace:I cut it off..

All of a sudden I heard mace's voice and I was scared about how Cassandra would react hearing this.


Mace:I said I cut it off.

I felt my heart in my throat afraid of what she would think.

Mace:Hey.. I'm kidding.

Cassandra:Oh.. Please don't joke with me like said it like you actually did it.

Mace: Well I would.. I'm kidding..


I noticed that there was no chemistry between Cassandra and seemed like he was forcing being playful with her and I was disgusted.

Mace: Cassandra could you please excuse us for a minute.


Cassandra left us shortly.

Mace: London we're having a business meeting in my house this evening.. you're expected to show up for it.

As he wanted to walk away I spoke.

London:Mace you can't treat Cassandra like this.

Mace: Excuse me..

London: She's a really nice can't keep using her..

Mace looked around him and then pulled me to an empty office room.

Mace: Isn't that how you treated me..why does it matter to you huh?..

London:Mace I realized my mistake back then please don't compare it with this..

Mace: Obviously you are really despicable London..You don't care about the emotions of the people that really care about you..all you care about is yourself.

London:You!.. It's fine think whatever you want..but I'm not gonna come for the business meeting and that's final.

I walked out of the office room in anger and I bumped into Cassandra on the way and she stared at me in confusion.

Cassandra: London What's wrong..why are you upset.. did Mace?...

London:No.. Cassandra I'm fine.. I just wanna focus on my work..take care.

I walked away and Cassandra wasn't convinced that I was ok and she walked towards Mace who was standing outside the office.

Cassandra:Mace.. I've noticed that ever since London returned you've been acting weird..What did you say to her?..why is she mad?..

Mace: Cassandra save it!..go do your work and stop meddling in my business.. understand!..


Mace stormed off leaving Cassandra feeling embarrassed and sad.

Jenila noticed the fight and came to Cassandra's aid.

Jenila:Hey Cassie.. don't mind what he said.. he's just upset.

Cassandra:But why though!..I came all the way from the UK just to be with him and he's been treating me like I'm some business deal..Most times i feel like he loves someone else and not me.

Cassandra left in tears and Jenila's heart sank to see how much Cassandra cared about Mace and was worried for her even more because of the fact that he does love someone else..Me.

Jenila:I don't know how Cassandra would handle the heartbreak that will come to her in the near future but I hope she'll have enough support by then..but now.. it's a matter of Mace and London's relationship.. I'll have to execute my plan at the business meeting and I know who else can help me.

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